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[BUGFIX] FortranDir.cmake temp directory location

Open NagyGa1 opened this issue 3 years ago • 2 comments


cmake fails on FC33 due to fixed path, made it consistent with previous write a few lines earlier.



  • [x] PR's title starts with a category (e.g. [BUGFIX], [MODEL], [TUTORIAL], [FEATURE], [DOC], etc)
  • [x] Changes are complete (i.e. I finished coding on this PR)
  • [x] All changes have test coverage
  • [x] Code is well-documented


  • [ ] Feature1, tests, (and when applicable, API doc)
  • [ ] Feature2, tests, (and when applicable, API doc)



NagyGa1 avatar Feb 18 '21 00:02 NagyGa1

Hey @NagyGa1 , Thanks for submitting the PR All tests are already queued to run once. If tests fail, you can trigger one or more tests again with the following commands:

  • To trigger all jobs: @mxnet-bot run ci [all]
  • To trigger specific jobs: @mxnet-bot run ci [job1, job2]

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Note: Only following 3 categories can trigger CI :PR Author, MXNet Committer, Jenkins Admin. All CI tests must pass before the PR can be merged.

mxnet-bot avatar Feb 18 '21 00:02 mxnet-bot

For now it's blocked by

leezu avatar Feb 18 '21 13:02 leezu