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Apache Linkis builds a computation middleware layer to facilitate connection, governance and orchestration between the upper applications and the underlying data engines.

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### Linkis 代码贡献活动计划 为了更好的帮助开发者融入社区,不断的完善项目,现在社区推出“贡献有奖”的活动。完成以下任务 攒积分,极可能获得京东卡、社区定制杯子、雨伞等精美礼品 。 活动时间:2023/11/14-2023/01/31 活动以积分制度进行 **积分规则如下:** 事项 | 内容 | 积分 -- | -- | -- | 回答群用户问题,记录(优化)至QA文档 | 可以在社区用户微信群中协助回答用户的使用过程中的问题,并且可以整理问题记录至QA在线文档中 | 回答用户一个问题积攒1分整理(补充)至QA在线文档攒 3分 可以联系助手拉社区用户群 |   QA文档问题补充 |...


### Search before asking - [X] I had searched in the [issues]( and found no similar feature requirement. ### Problem Description 1.5.0 feature list (Everyone is welcome to add. )...


### Search before asking - [X] I searched the [issues]( and found no similar issues. ### Linkis Component linkis-computation-governance ### Steps to reproduce Add a SQL server data source in...


### Search before asking - [X] I had searched in the [issues]( and found no similar feature requirement. ### Problem Description When I use Spark or Hive engine to query...


### Search before asking - [X] I had searched in the [issues]( and found no similar feature requirement. ### Problem Description I saw that the promotional images support zeppelin, but...


### Search before asking - [X] I searched the [issues]( and found no similar issues. ### Linkis Component linkis-engineconnn-plugin ### Steps to reproduce 1. restart streamis-server 2. change manage mode...


generate flink sqlTemplate(ddl,dql,dml)

### 需求背景 部分错误信息未匹配到错误码,根据特定场景新增错误码 ### 目标 1.错误码:43016 2.新增错误码:43017 3.新增错误码:43018 4.优化错误码匹配:21001 ### 处理方案 1.错误码:43016 提示语:[模块 'xxxx' 没有属性 'xxxxx',请确认代码引用是否正常] 匹配正则:[AttributeError: '(\S+)' object has no attribute '(\S+)'] 2.错误码:43017 提示语:[存在参数无效或拼写错误,请确认 %s 参数正确性] 匹配正则:[KeyError: (\(.+\))] 3.错误码:43018...


### What is the purpose of the change The left database menu bar of scriptis supports hiveserver2 to get library table fields, which is off by default Related parameters: To...