incubator-spot copied to clipboard
SPOT-279 - Inconsistencies in the open data model descriptions
There are some inconsistencies in the open data model descriptions:
- There are long and bigint types for timestamps.
- Ipv4 addresses are declared as long but int is enough.
- Ipv6 addresses are declared as bigint.
- http info status are explicitly declared as http_info_status when it is just a specific case of http_code_status.
Here is a modified version of the open data model trying to fix the previous inconsitencies. Following avro types I have used:
- int for 32bit
- long for 64bit.
- Avro does not have a type for 128bit. I have use int128 as type definition for the ODM. Avro definition should look like:
{"type": "fixed", "name": "128bit", "size": 16}
Thanks for opening a new PR with the conflicts fixed. Please create a new Jira Issue here and I will be sure to bring it up in the next project meeting on 09/07 (See Dev mailing list for more details).
If you can attend, that would be a great forum for you to get immediate feedback on your PR.
Let's defer this PR until we have our next discussion about the future of the ODM.