incubator-kie-kogito-examples copied to clipboard
KOGITO-7676: Implement Flyway migration for Runtimes persistence based on Quarkus
Disabling jdbc driver for PostgreSQL properties due to conflict on Flyway
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- [x] You have read the contributors guide
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- [x] Pull Request title contains the target branch if not targeting main:
[0.9.x] KOGITO-XYZ Subject
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How to replicate CI configuration locally?
Build Chain tool does "simple" maven build(s), the builds are just Maven commands, but because the repositories relates and depends on each other and any change in API or class method could affect several of those repositories there is a need to use build-chain tool to handle cross repository builds and be sure that we always use latest version of the code for each repository.
build-chain tool is a build tool which can be used on command line locally or in Github Actions workflow(s), in case you need to change multiple repositories and send multiple dependent pull requests related with a change you can easily reproduce the same build by executing it on Github hosted environment or locally in your development environment. See local execution details to get more information about it.
How to retest this PR or trigger a specific build:
for pull request checks
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for a specific pull request check
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for quarkus branch checks
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for a quarkus branch specific check
Run checks against Quarkus current used branch
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for quarkus main checks
Run checks against Quarkus main branch
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for a specific quarkus main check
Run checks against Quarkus main branch
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for native checks
Run native checks
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for a specific native check
Run native checks Please add comment: Jenkins (re)run [kogito-examples] native -
for mandrel checks
Run native checks against Mandrel image Please add comment: Jenkins run mandrel -
for a specific mandrel check
Run native checks against Mandrel image
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