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[Apache] How to sign Apache ICLA
ICLA (签名须知)
- 下载 ICLA模板 (
- 填写几项必填资料即可, 如何填写可参考: (以 ICLA 最新版为准)
- shardingsphere icla 流程
- shenyu icla 流程
- 请注意通讯地址需要填写, 否则可能会被打回重填,签名必须手写不可自动生成
PS: ICLA 每个人均需“亲自手写”签署,可用 Mac 电子签/ PDF 工具手写或拍照(推荐电子签+拍照都发-双保险),签完后发送到 [email protected]
Others (补充)
- 如何使用 Mac 电子签名 PDF。
- 捐赠协议解析。
- 如果目前不具备 Apache ID,签署 ICLA 之后会分配 Apache ID, 可参考 Apache ID 的登录流程。
- 如果已经具有 Apache ID 的同学,可填写现有 Apache ID。
- 可参考已有Apache ID List,在发送 ICLA 之前可设置自己喜欢的名字(后续会自动作为 Apache ID)。
@yu199195 Thank you
Due to the lack of activity, the current issue is marked as stale and will be closed after 20 days, any update will remove the stale label
Due to the lack of activity, the current issue is marked as stale and will be closed after 20 days, any update will remove the stale label
ICLA 签名遇到的问题补充:
通过再次确认 ASF 文档,以下四种方式均可被视为有效签名: refer doc A valid signature involves one of:
- Writing your signature by hand on a printed copy of the document
- Digitally signing the document by hand-drawing a signature
- Signing the document digitally via gpg
- Signing the document via DocuSign
建议选择前两项其中之一,第二项教程:refer doc 此处一定要通过触摸板进行手写,如果通过键盘键入字母,会被视为无效签名 MacOSX users:
- Use your browser to navigate to the .pdf form and download the form to a local file using the save-as function.
- Open the file using Preview, the standard PDF viewer/editor.
- Fill the form fields using the keyboard. For the signature, use the Tools-Annotate-Signature function to attach a signature. Save the completed form.
- Open the email client and create a message to [email protected], attach the completed
- form and send it to secretary.
- Keep the completed form for your records.
接受committer的回复邮件需要注意以下事项. 否则很容易导致邮件被拦截:
- 发件请使用纯文本模式参考-纯文本设置
- 使用英文标题, 避免出现中文, 并且确保标题完全一致 (不自己加内容修改)
- private + 发件人作为直接收件人 (不要使用抄送, 使用
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) - 已订阅
public name 填写的时候也要注意,否则会出现如下: the public name should be a real name and not a user id