incubator-gluten copied to clipboard
[OPPRO-189] [WIP]Rebase Arrow to upstream Arrow-Change decompress code to adapt upstream Arrow
oap-project Arrow change some field to private, and remove codec from VectorLoader, ignore the initial design, to fix that, change the decompress procedure to Java decompress
Thanks for opening a pull request!
Could you open an issue for this pull request on Github Issues?
Then could you also rename commit message and pull request title in the following format?
[Gluten-${ISSUES_ID}] ${detailed message}
See also:
This PR is ready. Can you help review? @JkSelf @zhztheplayer
@jinchengchenghh There may have some compile issue in gazelle backend. It may related with the changes in PR#372
[ERROR] /home/sparkuser/jk/projects/gluten/backends-gazelle/src/main/scala/io/glutenproject/backendsapi/velox/GazelleSparkPlanExecApi.scala:21: error: value SimpleColumnarRule is not a member of object org.apache.spark.sql.VeloxColumnarRules
[ERROR] import org.apache.spark.sql.VeloxColumnarRules.{DummyRule, SimpleColumnarRule}
[ERROR] /home/sparkuser/jk/projects/gluten/backends-gazelle/src/main/scala/io/glutenproject/backendsapi/velox/GazelleSparkPlanExecApi.scala:29: error: not found: value SimpleColumnarRule
[ERROR] => SimpleColumnarRule(DummyRule, ArrowWritePostRule(spark))
[ERROR] /home/sparkuser/jk/projects/gluten/backends-gazelle/src/main/scala/io/glutenproject/backendsapi/velox/GazelleSparkPlanExecApi.scala:30: error: value genExtendedColumnarRules is not a member of io.glutenproject.backendsapi.velox.VeloxSparkPlanExecApi
[ERROR] super.genExtendedColumnarRules():+ arrowRule
[ERROR] three errors found
@JkSelf thanks, fixed, please try again
The class was already removed from Gluten. It can be a git rebase issue