hbase copied to clipboard
HBASE-24637 - Reseek regression related to filter SKIP hinting
This patch depends on what the scans or reads does with the blocks till the configured size. Just for understanding or initial review I have based this on the pread size (which is 4 * block size). This needs a better measure may be based on the number of blocks purely rather than the block size. But the idea is that if based on that config we find that the seekOrSkipToNextcol() has always landed in the immediate next block always go with next() rather than this seekToSkiptoNextcol(). In our tests it is revealed that the comparison that we do here in case of ensuring whether to seek or skipping is adding to the performance rather than the actual seek.
:broken_heart: -1 overall
Vote | Subsystem | Runtime | Comment |
+0 :ok: | reexec | 1m 6s | Docker mode activated. |
-0 :warning: | yetus | 0m 4s | Unprocessed flag(s): --brief-report-file --spotbugs-strict-precheck --whitespace-eol-ignore-list --whitespace-tabs-ignore-list --quick-hadoopcheck |
_ Prechecks _ | |||
_ master Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 3m 47s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | compile | 0m 57s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | shadedjars | 6m 35s | branch has no errors when building our shaded downstream artifacts. |
+1 :green_heart: | javadoc | 0m 38s | master passed |
_ Patch Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 3m 29s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | compile | 0m 56s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | javac | 0m 56s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | shadedjars | 6m 40s | patch has no errors when building our shaded downstream artifacts. |
+1 :green_heart: | javadoc | 0m 42s | the patch passed |
_ Other Tests _ | |||
-1 :x: | unit | 7m 28s | hbase-server in the patch failed. |
33m 40s |
Subsystem | Report/Notes |
Docker | ClientAPI=1.40 ServerAPI=1.40 base: https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/1/artifact/yetus-jdk8-hadoop3-check/output/Dockerfile |
GITHUB PR | https://github.com/apache/hbase/pull/2663 |
Optional Tests | javac javadoc unit shadedjars compile |
uname | Linux d9f4ce0cdce5 4.15.0-65-generic #74-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 17 17:06:04 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
Build tool | maven |
Personality | dev-support/hbase-personality.sh |
git revision | master / 4ee2270452 |
Default Java | AdoptOpenJDK-1.8.0_232-b09 |
unit | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/1/artifact/yetus-jdk8-hadoop3-check/output/patch-unit-hbase-server.txt |
Test Results | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/1/testReport/ |
Max. process+thread count | 1025 (vs. ulimit of 30000) |
modules | C: hbase-server U: hbase-server |
Console output | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/1/console |
versions | git=2.17.1 maven=3.6.3 |
Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.12.0 https://yetus.apache.org |
This message was automatically generated.
:confetti_ball: +1 overall
Vote | Subsystem | Runtime | Comment |
+0 :ok: | reexec | 1m 6s | Docker mode activated. |
_ Prechecks _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | dupname | 0m 0s | No case conflicting files found. |
+1 :green_heart: | hbaseanti | 0m 0s | Patch does not have any anti-patterns. |
+1 :green_heart: | @author | 0m 0s | The patch does not contain any @author tags. |
_ master Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 4m 8s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | checkstyle | 1m 14s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | spotbugs | 2m 11s | master passed |
_ Patch Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 3m 49s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | checkstyle | 1m 13s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | whitespace | 0m 0s | The patch has no whitespace issues. |
+1 :green_heart: | hadoopcheck | 18m 55s | Patch does not cause any errors with Hadoop 3.1.2 3.2.1 3.3.0. |
+1 :green_heart: | spotbugs | 2m 15s | the patch passed |
_ Other Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | asflicense | 0m 12s | The patch does not generate ASF License warnings. |
42m 49s |
Subsystem | Report/Notes |
Docker | ClientAPI=1.40 ServerAPI=1.40 base: https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/1/artifact/yetus-general-check/output/Dockerfile |
GITHUB PR | https://github.com/apache/hbase/pull/2663 |
Optional Tests | dupname asflicense spotbugs hadoopcheck hbaseanti checkstyle |
uname | Linux f63fa45bf454 4.15.0-112-generic #113-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 9 23:41:39 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
Build tool | maven |
Personality | dev-support/hbase-personality.sh |
git revision | master / 4ee2270452 |
Max. process+thread count | 84 (vs. ulimit of 30000) |
modules | C: hbase-server U: hbase-server |
Console output | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/1/console |
versions | git=2.17.1 maven=3.6.3 spotbugs=3.1.12 |
Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.12.0 https://yetus.apache.org |
This message was automatically generated.
:broken_heart: -1 overall
Vote | Subsystem | Runtime | Comment |
+0 :ok: | reexec | 1m 6s | Docker mode activated. |
-0 :warning: | yetus | 0m 3s | Unprocessed flag(s): --brief-report-file --spotbugs-strict-precheck --whitespace-eol-ignore-list --whitespace-tabs-ignore-list --quick-hadoopcheck |
_ Prechecks _ | |||
_ master Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 4m 50s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | compile | 1m 13s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | shadedjars | 7m 20s | branch has no errors when building our shaded downstream artifacts. |
+1 :green_heart: | javadoc | 0m 43s | master passed |
_ Patch Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 4m 34s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | compile | 1m 11s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | javac | 1m 11s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | shadedjars | 7m 41s | patch has no errors when building our shaded downstream artifacts. |
+1 :green_heart: | javadoc | 0m 46s | the patch passed |
_ Other Tests _ | |||
-1 :x: | unit | 14m 22s | hbase-server in the patch failed. |
45m 9s |
Subsystem | Report/Notes |
Docker | ClientAPI=1.40 ServerAPI=1.40 base: https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/1/artifact/yetus-jdk11-hadoop3-check/output/Dockerfile |
GITHUB PR | https://github.com/apache/hbase/pull/2663 |
Optional Tests | javac javadoc unit shadedjars compile |
uname | Linux b19642f334cf 4.15.0-112-generic #113-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 9 23:41:39 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
Build tool | maven |
Personality | dev-support/hbase-personality.sh |
git revision | master / 4ee2270452 |
Default Java | AdoptOpenJDK-11.0.6+10 |
unit | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/1/artifact/yetus-jdk11-hadoop3-check/output/patch-unit-hbase-server.txt |
Test Results | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/1/testReport/ |
Max. process+thread count | 671 (vs. ulimit of 30000) |
modules | C: hbase-server U: hbase-server |
Console output | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/1/console |
versions | git=2.17.1 maven=3.6.3 |
Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.12.0 https://yetus.apache.org |
This message was automatically generated.
Also I assume there is some kind of performance analysis that indicates an improvement? If not please provide one.
:confetti_ball: +1 overall
Vote | Subsystem | Runtime | Comment |
+0 :ok: | reexec | 1m 10s | Docker mode activated. |
_ Prechecks _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | dupname | 0m 0s | No case conflicting files found. |
+1 :green_heart: | hbaseanti | 0m 0s | Patch does not have any anti-patterns. |
+1 :green_heart: | @author | 0m 0s | The patch does not contain any @author tags. |
_ master Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 3m 56s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | checkstyle | 1m 13s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | spotbugs | 2m 5s | master passed |
_ Patch Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 3m 48s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | checkstyle | 1m 12s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | whitespace | 0m 0s | The patch has no whitespace issues. |
+1 :green_heart: | hadoopcheck | 18m 57s | Patch does not cause any errors with Hadoop 3.1.2 3.2.1 3.3.0. |
+1 :green_heart: | spotbugs | 2m 18s | the patch passed |
_ Other Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | asflicense | 0m 11s | The patch does not generate ASF License warnings. |
42m 35s |
Subsystem | Report/Notes |
Docker | ClientAPI=1.40 ServerAPI=1.40 base: https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/2/artifact/yetus-general-check/output/Dockerfile |
GITHUB PR | https://github.com/apache/hbase/pull/2663 |
Optional Tests | dupname asflicense spotbugs hadoopcheck hbaseanti checkstyle |
uname | Linux b49c54dc5b1a 4.15.0-112-generic #113-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 9 23:41:39 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
Build tool | maven |
Personality | dev-support/hbase-personality.sh |
git revision | master / 8938b7a678 |
Max. process+thread count | 84 (vs. ulimit of 30000) |
modules | C: hbase-server U: hbase-server |
Console output | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/2/console |
versions | git=2.17.1 maven=3.6.3 spotbugs=3.1.12 |
Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.12.0 https://yetus.apache.org |
This message was automatically generated.
Thanks @apurtell - I will update the patch with test results and perf numbers.
:broken_heart: -1 overall
Vote | Subsystem | Runtime | Comment |
+0 :ok: | reexec | 2m 33s | Docker mode activated. |
-0 :warning: | yetus | 0m 3s | Unprocessed flag(s): --brief-report-file --spotbugs-strict-precheck --whitespace-eol-ignore-list --whitespace-tabs-ignore-list --quick-hadoopcheck |
_ Prechecks _ | |||
_ master Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 4m 46s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | compile | 1m 4s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | shadedjars | 7m 59s | branch has no errors when building our shaded downstream artifacts. |
+1 :green_heart: | javadoc | 0m 45s | master passed |
_ Patch Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 4m 18s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | compile | 1m 10s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | javac | 1m 10s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | shadedjars | 8m 17s | patch has no errors when building our shaded downstream artifacts. |
+1 :green_heart: | javadoc | 0m 41s | the patch passed |
_ Other Tests _ | |||
-1 :x: | unit | 153m 3s | hbase-server in the patch failed. |
186m 46s |
Subsystem | Report/Notes |
Docker | ClientAPI=1.40 ServerAPI=1.40 base: https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/2/artifact/yetus-jdk8-hadoop3-check/output/Dockerfile |
GITHUB PR | https://github.com/apache/hbase/pull/2663 |
Optional Tests | javac javadoc unit shadedjars compile |
uname | Linux ea042ec9a344 4.15.0-65-generic #74-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 17 17:06:04 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
Build tool | maven |
Personality | dev-support/hbase-personality.sh |
git revision | master / 8938b7a678 |
Default Java | AdoptOpenJDK-1.8.0_232-b09 |
unit | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/2/artifact/yetus-jdk8-hadoop3-check/output/patch-unit-hbase-server.txt |
Test Results | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/2/testReport/ |
Max. process+thread count | 3866 (vs. ulimit of 30000) |
modules | C: hbase-server U: hbase-server |
Console output | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/2/console |
versions | git=2.17.1 maven=3.6.3 |
Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.12.0 https://yetus.apache.org |
This message was automatically generated.
:broken_heart: -1 overall
Vote | Subsystem | Runtime | Comment |
+0 :ok: | reexec | 1m 8s | Docker mode activated. |
-0 :warning: | yetus | 0m 4s | Unprocessed flag(s): --brief-report-file --spotbugs-strict-precheck --whitespace-eol-ignore-list --whitespace-tabs-ignore-list --quick-hadoopcheck |
_ Prechecks _ | |||
_ master Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 4m 50s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | compile | 1m 13s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | shadedjars | 7m 20s | branch has no errors when building our shaded downstream artifacts. |
+1 :green_heart: | javadoc | 0m 45s | master passed |
_ Patch Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 4m 38s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | compile | 1m 13s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | javac | 1m 13s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | shadedjars | 7m 26s | patch has no errors when building our shaded downstream artifacts. |
+1 :green_heart: | javadoc | 0m 42s | the patch passed |
_ Other Tests _ | |||
-1 :x: | unit | 200m 49s | hbase-server in the patch failed. |
231m 57s |
Subsystem | Report/Notes |
Docker | ClientAPI=1.40 ServerAPI=1.40 base: https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/2/artifact/yetus-jdk11-hadoop3-check/output/Dockerfile |
GITHUB PR | https://github.com/apache/hbase/pull/2663 |
Optional Tests | javac javadoc unit shadedjars compile |
uname | Linux d82f6b69e43a 4.15.0-112-generic #113-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 9 23:41:39 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
Build tool | maven |
Personality | dev-support/hbase-personality.sh |
git revision | master / 8938b7a678 |
Default Java | AdoptOpenJDK-11.0.6+10 |
unit | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/2/artifact/yetus-jdk11-hadoop3-check/output/patch-unit-hbase-server.txt |
Test Results | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/2/testReport/ |
Max. process+thread count | 3520 (vs. ulimit of 30000) |
modules | C: hbase-server U: hbase-server |
Console output | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/2/console |
versions | git=2.17.1 maven=3.6.3 |
Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.12.0 https://yetus.apache.org |
This message was automatically generated.
- Data size = 2G - in a single region.
- All data major compacted and data in L1 cache
- ScanRange 10000 with 100 threads with FilterallFilter
- Each row with 80 cols each with 20 bytes value with all columns added.
Avg latency (ms) | Min latency (ms) | Max latency (ms) | TPS | |
Without patch | 2561 | 2536 | 2568 | 39 |
With patch | 1393 | 1380 | 1394 | 72 |
@infraio - Ping for review.
:broken_heart: -1 overall
Vote | Subsystem | Runtime | Comment |
+0 :ok: | reexec | 1m 13s | Docker mode activated. |
-0 :warning: | yetus | 0m 3s | Unprocessed flag(s): --brief-report-file --spotbugs-strict-precheck --whitespace-eol-ignore-list --whitespace-tabs-ignore-list --quick-hadoopcheck |
_ Prechecks _ | |||
_ master Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 3m 37s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | compile | 0m 58s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | shadedjars | 6m 57s | branch has no errors when building our shaded downstream artifacts. |
+1 :green_heart: | javadoc | 0m 37s | master passed |
_ Patch Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 3m 41s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | compile | 1m 0s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | javac | 1m 0s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | shadedjars | 6m 47s | patch has no errors when building our shaded downstream artifacts. |
+1 :green_heart: | javadoc | 0m 37s | the patch passed |
_ Other Tests _ | |||
-1 :x: | unit | 6m 53s | hbase-server in the patch failed. |
33m 38s |
Subsystem | Report/Notes |
Docker | ClientAPI=1.40 ServerAPI=1.40 base: https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/3/artifact/yetus-jdk8-hadoop3-check/output/Dockerfile |
GITHUB PR | https://github.com/apache/hbase/pull/2663 |
Optional Tests | javac javadoc unit shadedjars compile |
uname | Linux fc9db0c8a7f7 4.15.0-65-generic #74-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 17 17:06:04 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
Build tool | maven |
Personality | dev-support/hbase-personality.sh |
git revision | master / e40c626ae1 |
Default Java | AdoptOpenJDK-1.8.0_232-b09 |
unit | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/3/artifact/yetus-jdk8-hadoop3-check/output/patch-unit-hbase-server.txt |
Test Results | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/3/testReport/ |
Max. process+thread count | 577 (vs. ulimit of 30000) |
modules | C: hbase-server U: hbase-server |
Console output | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/3/console |
versions | git=2.17.1 maven=3.6.3 |
Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.12.0 https://yetus.apache.org |
This message was automatically generated.
:broken_heart: -1 overall
Vote | Subsystem | Runtime | Comment |
+0 :ok: | reexec | 0m 34s | Docker mode activated. |
-0 :warning: | yetus | 0m 3s | Unprocessed flag(s): --brief-report-file --spotbugs-strict-precheck --whitespace-eol-ignore-list --whitespace-tabs-ignore-list --quick-hadoopcheck |
_ Prechecks _ | |||
_ master Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 4m 24s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | compile | 1m 9s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | shadedjars | 7m 24s | branch has no errors when building our shaded downstream artifacts. |
+1 :green_heart: | javadoc | 0m 48s | master passed |
_ Patch Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 4m 29s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | compile | 1m 11s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | javac | 1m 11s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | shadedjars | 6m 57s | patch has no errors when building our shaded downstream artifacts. |
+1 :green_heart: | javadoc | 0m 41s | the patch passed |
_ Other Tests _ | |||
-1 :x: | unit | 7m 21s | hbase-server in the patch failed. |
36m 22s |
Subsystem | Report/Notes |
Docker | ClientAPI=1.40 ServerAPI=1.40 base: https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/3/artifact/yetus-jdk11-hadoop3-check/output/Dockerfile |
GITHUB PR | https://github.com/apache/hbase/pull/2663 |
Optional Tests | javac javadoc unit shadedjars compile |
uname | Linux 32cef00ed556 4.15.0-112-generic #113-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 9 23:41:39 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
Build tool | maven |
Personality | dev-support/hbase-personality.sh |
git revision | master / e40c626ae1 |
Default Java | AdoptOpenJDK-11.0.6+10 |
unit | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/3/artifact/yetus-jdk11-hadoop3-check/output/patch-unit-hbase-server.txt |
Test Results | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/3/testReport/ |
Max. process+thread count | 709 (vs. ulimit of 30000) |
modules | C: hbase-server U: hbase-server |
Console output | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/3/console |
versions | git=2.17.1 maven=3.6.3 |
Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.12.0 https://yetus.apache.org |
This message was automatically generated.
:confetti_ball: +1 overall
Vote | Subsystem | Runtime | Comment |
+0 :ok: | reexec | 0m 33s | Docker mode activated. |
_ Prechecks _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | dupname | 0m 0s | No case conflicting files found. |
+1 :green_heart: | hbaseanti | 0m 0s | Patch does not have any anti-patterns. |
+1 :green_heart: | @author | 0m 0s | The patch does not contain any @author tags. |
_ master Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 3m 46s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | checkstyle | 1m 6s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | spotbugs | 2m 2s | master passed |
_ Patch Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 4m 50s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | checkstyle | 1m 5s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | whitespace | 0m 0s | The patch has no whitespace issues. |
+1 :green_heart: | hadoopcheck | 17m 27s | Patch does not cause any errors with Hadoop 3.1.2 3.2.1 3.3.0. |
+1 :green_heart: | spotbugs | 2m 10s | the patch passed |
_ Other Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | asflicense | 0m 15s | The patch does not generate ASF License warnings. |
40m 25s |
Subsystem | Report/Notes |
Docker | ClientAPI=1.40 ServerAPI=1.40 base: https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/3/artifact/yetus-general-check/output/Dockerfile |
GITHUB PR | https://github.com/apache/hbase/pull/2663 |
Optional Tests | dupname asflicense spotbugs hadoopcheck hbaseanti checkstyle |
uname | Linux 8ab3a0db6c88 4.15.0-58-generic #64-Ubuntu SMP Tue Aug 6 11:12:41 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
Build tool | maven |
Personality | dev-support/hbase-personality.sh |
git revision | master / e40c626ae1 |
Max. process+thread count | 94 (vs. ulimit of 30000) |
modules | C: hbase-server U: hbase-server |
Console output | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/3/console |
versions | git=2.17.1 maven=3.6.3 spotbugs=3.1.12 |
Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.12.0 https://yetus.apache.org |
This message was automatically generated.
:confetti_ball: +1 overall
Vote | Subsystem | Runtime | Comment |
+0 :ok: | reexec | 1m 14s | Docker mode activated. |
_ Prechecks _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | dupname | 0m 0s | No case conflicting files found. |
+1 :green_heart: | hbaseanti | 0m 0s | Patch does not have any anti-patterns. |
+1 :green_heart: | @author | 0m 0s | The patch does not contain any @author tags. |
_ master Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 4m 13s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | checkstyle | 1m 16s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | spotbugs | 2m 24s | master passed |
_ Patch Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 3m 55s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | checkstyle | 1m 13s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | whitespace | 0m 0s | The patch has no whitespace issues. |
+1 :green_heart: | hadoopcheck | 19m 42s | Patch does not cause any errors with Hadoop 3.1.2 3.2.1 3.3.0. |
+1 :green_heart: | spotbugs | 2m 51s | the patch passed |
_ Other Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | asflicense | 0m 15s | The patch does not generate ASF License warnings. |
46m 23s |
Subsystem | Report/Notes |
Docker | ClientAPI=1.40 ServerAPI=1.40 base: https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/4/artifact/yetus-general-check/output/Dockerfile |
GITHUB PR | https://github.com/apache/hbase/pull/2663 |
Optional Tests | dupname asflicense spotbugs hadoopcheck hbaseanti checkstyle |
uname | Linux b479f2c1030f 4.15.0-112-generic #113-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 9 23:41:39 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
Build tool | maven |
Personality | dev-support/hbase-personality.sh |
git revision | master / e40c626ae1 |
Max. process+thread count | 84 (vs. ulimit of 30000) |
modules | C: hbase-server U: hbase-server |
Console output | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/4/console |
versions | git=2.17.1 maven=3.6.3 spotbugs=3.1.12 |
Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.12.0 https://yetus.apache.org |
This message was automatically generated.
:confetti_ball: +1 overall
Vote | Subsystem | Runtime | Comment |
+0 :ok: | reexec | 1m 11s | Docker mode activated. |
-0 :warning: | yetus | 0m 4s | Unprocessed flag(s): --brief-report-file --spotbugs-strict-precheck --whitespace-eol-ignore-list --whitespace-tabs-ignore-list --quick-hadoopcheck |
_ Prechecks _ | |||
_ master Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 3m 27s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | compile | 0m 57s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | shadedjars | 6m 45s | branch has no errors when building our shaded downstream artifacts. |
+1 :green_heart: | javadoc | 0m 37s | master passed |
_ Patch Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 3m 35s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | compile | 0m 58s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | javac | 0m 58s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | shadedjars | 6m 39s | patch has no errors when building our shaded downstream artifacts. |
+1 :green_heart: | javadoc | 0m 38s | the patch passed |
_ Other Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | unit | 146m 11s | hbase-server in the patch passed. |
173m 9s |
Subsystem | Report/Notes |
Docker | ClientAPI=1.40 ServerAPI=1.40 base: https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/4/artifact/yetus-jdk8-hadoop3-check/output/Dockerfile |
GITHUB PR | https://github.com/apache/hbase/pull/2663 |
Optional Tests | javac javadoc unit shadedjars compile |
uname | Linux 049a4ff82204 4.15.0-65-generic #74-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 17 17:06:04 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
Build tool | maven |
Personality | dev-support/hbase-personality.sh |
git revision | master / e40c626ae1 |
Default Java | AdoptOpenJDK-1.8.0_232-b09 |
Test Results | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/4/testReport/ |
Max. process+thread count | 4579 (vs. ulimit of 30000) |
modules | C: hbase-server U: hbase-server |
Console output | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/4/console |
versions | git=2.17.1 maven=3.6.3 |
Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.12.0 https://yetus.apache.org |
This message was automatically generated.
:broken_heart: -1 overall
Vote | Subsystem | Runtime | Comment |
+0 :ok: | reexec | 1m 48s | Docker mode activated. |
-0 :warning: | yetus | 0m 4s | Unprocessed flag(s): --brief-report-file --spotbugs-strict-precheck --whitespace-eol-ignore-list --whitespace-tabs-ignore-list --quick-hadoopcheck |
_ Prechecks _ | |||
_ master Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 5m 6s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | compile | 1m 18s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | shadedjars | 7m 40s | branch has no errors when building our shaded downstream artifacts. |
+1 :green_heart: | javadoc | 0m 47s | master passed |
_ Patch Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 4m 48s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | compile | 1m 18s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | javac | 1m 18s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | shadedjars | 7m 39s | patch has no errors when building our shaded downstream artifacts. |
+1 :green_heart: | javadoc | 0m 45s | the patch passed |
_ Other Tests _ | |||
-1 :x: | unit | 199m 21s | hbase-server in the patch failed. |
232m 27s |
Subsystem | Report/Notes |
Docker | ClientAPI=1.40 ServerAPI=1.40 base: https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/4/artifact/yetus-jdk11-hadoop3-check/output/Dockerfile |
GITHUB PR | https://github.com/apache/hbase/pull/2663 |
Optional Tests | javac javadoc unit shadedjars compile |
uname | Linux 70456e96469d 4.15.0-112-generic #113-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 9 23:41:39 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
Build tool | maven |
Personality | dev-support/hbase-personality.sh |
git revision | master / e40c626ae1 |
Default Java | AdoptOpenJDK-11.0.6+10 |
unit | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/4/artifact/yetus-jdk11-hadoop3-check/output/patch-unit-hbase-server.txt |
Test Results | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/4/testReport/ |
Max. process+thread count | 3460 (vs. ulimit of 30000) |
modules | C: hbase-server U: hbase-server |
Console output | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/4/console |
versions | git=2.17.1 maven=3.6.3 |
Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.12.0 https://yetus.apache.org |
This message was automatically generated.
@infraio I have updated the PR with a new config 'hbase.switchto.next.bytes.read' . It defaults to preadMaxBytes though. also if you configure this value to be < 0 then we don't honour this optimization.
:confetti_ball: +1 overall
Vote | Subsystem | Runtime | Comment |
+0 :ok: | reexec | 0m 38s | Docker mode activated. |
_ Prechecks _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | dupname | 0m 0s | No case conflicting files found. |
+1 :green_heart: | hbaseanti | 0m 0s | Patch does not have any anti-patterns. |
+1 :green_heart: | @author | 0m 0s | The patch does not contain any @author tags. |
_ master Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 4m 47s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | checkstyle | 1m 35s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | spotbugs | 2m 48s | master passed |
_ Patch Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 4m 18s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | checkstyle | 1m 16s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | whitespace | 0m 0s | The patch has no whitespace issues. |
+1 :green_heart: | hadoopcheck | 22m 35s | Patch does not cause any errors with Hadoop 3.1.2 3.2.1 3.3.0. |
+1 :green_heart: | spotbugs | 2m 10s | the patch passed |
_ Other Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | asflicense | 0m 11s | The patch does not generate ASF License warnings. |
47m 45s |
Subsystem | Report/Notes |
Docker | ClientAPI=1.41 ServerAPI=1.41 base: https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/5/artifact/yetus-general-check/output/Dockerfile |
GITHUB PR | https://github.com/apache/hbase/pull/2663 |
Optional Tests | dupname asflicense spotbugs hadoopcheck hbaseanti checkstyle |
uname | Linux a4006de01c24 4.15.0-58-generic #64-Ubuntu SMP Tue Aug 6 11:12:41 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
Build tool | maven |
Personality | dev-support/hbase-personality.sh |
git revision | master / 7a532f8328 |
Max. process+thread count | 94 (vs. ulimit of 30000) |
modules | C: hbase-server U: hbase-server |
Console output | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/5/console |
versions | git=2.17.1 maven=3.6.3 spotbugs=3.1.12 |
Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.12.0 https://yetus.apache.org |
This message was automatically generated.
:confetti_ball: +1 overall
Vote | Subsystem | Runtime | Comment |
+0 :ok: | reexec | 1m 24s | Docker mode activated. |
-0 :warning: | yetus | 0m 3s | Unprocessed flag(s): --brief-report-file --spotbugs-strict-precheck --whitespace-eol-ignore-list --whitespace-tabs-ignore-list --quick-hadoopcheck |
_ Prechecks _ | |||
_ master Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 3m 48s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | compile | 0m 54s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | shadedjars | 6m 29s | branch has no errors when building our shaded downstream artifacts. |
+1 :green_heart: | javadoc | 0m 39s | master passed |
_ Patch Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 3m 33s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | compile | 0m 56s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | javac | 0m 56s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | shadedjars | 6m 29s | patch has no errors when building our shaded downstream artifacts. |
+1 :green_heart: | javadoc | 0m 37s | the patch passed |
_ Other Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | unit | 144m 3s | hbase-server in the patch passed. |
171m 8s |
Subsystem | Report/Notes |
Docker | ClientAPI=1.41 ServerAPI=1.41 base: https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/5/artifact/yetus-jdk8-hadoop3-check/output/Dockerfile |
GITHUB PR | https://github.com/apache/hbase/pull/2663 |
Optional Tests | javac javadoc unit shadedjars compile |
uname | Linux bdf219ca8781 4.15.0-112-generic #113-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 9 23:41:39 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
Build tool | maven |
Personality | dev-support/hbase-personality.sh |
git revision | master / 7a532f8328 |
Default Java | AdoptOpenJDK-1.8.0_232-b09 |
Test Results | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/5/testReport/ |
Max. process+thread count | 4439 (vs. ulimit of 30000) |
modules | C: hbase-server U: hbase-server |
Console output | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/5/console |
versions | git=2.17.1 maven=3.6.3 |
Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.12.0 https://yetus.apache.org |
This message was automatically generated.
:confetti_ball: +1 overall
Vote | Subsystem | Runtime | Comment |
+0 :ok: | reexec | 1m 9s | Docker mode activated. |
-0 :warning: | yetus | 0m 3s | Unprocessed flag(s): --brief-report-file --spotbugs-strict-precheck --whitespace-eol-ignore-list --whitespace-tabs-ignore-list --quick-hadoopcheck |
_ Prechecks _ | |||
_ master Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 5m 4s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | compile | 1m 36s | master passed |
+1 :green_heart: | shadedjars | 8m 16s | branch has no errors when building our shaded downstream artifacts. |
+1 :green_heart: | javadoc | 0m 47s | master passed |
_ Patch Compile Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | mvninstall | 4m 55s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | compile | 1m 25s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | javac | 1m 25s | the patch passed |
+1 :green_heart: | shadedjars | 7m 50s | patch has no errors when building our shaded downstream artifacts. |
-0 :warning: | javadoc | 0m 45s | hbase-server generated 1 new + 81 unchanged - 0 fixed = 82 total (was 81) |
_ Other Tests _ | |||
+1 :green_heart: | unit | 219m 56s | hbase-server in the patch passed. |
253m 53s |
Subsystem | Report/Notes |
Docker | ClientAPI=1.41 ServerAPI=1.41 base: https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/5/artifact/yetus-jdk11-hadoop3-check/output/Dockerfile |
GITHUB PR | https://github.com/apache/hbase/pull/2663 |
Optional Tests | javac javadoc unit shadedjars compile |
uname | Linux 8ce47c47d0a0 4.15.0-112-generic #113-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 9 23:41:39 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
Build tool | maven |
Personality | dev-support/hbase-personality.sh |
git revision | master / 7a532f8328 |
Default Java | AdoptOpenJDK-11.0.6+10 |
javadoc | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/5/artifact/yetus-jdk11-hadoop3-check/output/diff-javadoc-javadoc-hbase-server.txt |
Test Results | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/5/testReport/ |
Max. process+thread count | 2758 (vs. ulimit of 30000) |
modules | C: hbase-server U: hbase-server |
Console output | https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/HBase/job/HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR/job/PR-2663/5/console |
versions | git=2.17.1 maven=3.6.3 |
Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.12.0 https://yetus.apache.org |
This message was automatically generated.
@infraio - Can you take a look at the new commit? @Apache9 - Do you have some time to take a look at this?
Will take a look this week.
Can go ahead if you have other approvers and I haven't replied in time.
@ramkrish86 Any update here sir?
Any update here?
I have updated the PR with a new config 'hbase.switchto.next.bytes.read' .
No new config. Repeating my earlier comment. What user is actually going to understand and set this? Figure it out without user intervention. Please don't merge until this is addressed.