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开启 toolbox 的 dataZoom 区域缩放后,悬浮在图形元素上的鼠标样式可以修改为 pointer 吗
- [ ] I am using English in this issue. 在这个 Issue 中我使用了英文(强烈建议)。
General Questions
- [x] Required: I have read the document and examples and tried to solve it by myself. (必填)我读过了文档和教程,并且曾试图自己解决问题。
- [x] Required: I have searched for similar issues and that didn't help. (必填)我搜索过 issue 但是没有帮助。
- [x] Required: I have tried with the latest version of ECharts and still have this problem. (必填)我试过最新版本的 ECharts,还是存在这个问题。
In this issue, I have provided information with: 在这个 issue 中我提供了以下信息:
- [x] Required: issue type;(必填)issue 类型
- [x] Required: one sentence description in issue details;(必填)一句话的问题描述
- [x] Required: demo;(必填)能反映问题的例子(如果你想提问或报 bug)
- [x] Required: ECharts version;ECharts 版本
Issue Type
- [ ] I have a question to ask about how to use ECharts to ...;我想提问如何使用 ECharts 实现某功能
- [ ] I have a bug to report;我想要报 bug
- [ ] I have a feature to request, e.g.: I'd like a new feature that ...;我需要一个新功能
- [x] I have a feature to enhance, e.g.: The current feature should be improved in the way that ...;我希望改进某个功能
- [ ] There's something wrong with the documents;文档有些问题
- [ ] Others, or I'm not sure which issue types to choose here;其他,或我不知道应该选什么类型
Issue Details
Expected Behavior
Current Behavior
Online Example
function resetCursor(controller, e, localCursorPoint) {
// Check active
if (!controller._brushType) {
var zr = controller._zr;
var covers = controller._covers;
var currPanel = getPanelByPoint(controller, e, localCursorPoint);
// Check whether in covers.
if (!controller._dragging) {
for (var i = 0; i < covers.length; i++) {
var brushOption = covers[i].__brushOption;
if (currPanel
&& (currPanel === true || brushOption.panelId === currPanel.panelId)
&& coverRenderers[brushOption.brushType].contain(
covers[i], localCursorPoint[0], localCursorPoint[1]
) {
// Use cursor style set on cover.
currPanel && zr.setCursorStyle('crosshair');
- [ ] Legend
- [ ] Tooltip
- [ ] Event
- [ ] Performance
- [ ] SVG
- [ ] Map
- [ ] ECharts GL
- [ ] Third-party libraries, e.g.: Vue.js, React
- [x] dataZoom
Anything Else We Need to Know
ECharts version;ECharts 版本:
[ ] It happens only on certain browsers or operating systems. 对于特定浏览器或操作系统才会出现的问题,请提供相应环境信息:{BROWSER_VERSION_OR_OS_INFORMATION_HERE}
遇到了一样的问题, 怎么解决的呢
const zr = instanceCharts.getZr();
if (zr && typeof zr.setCursorStyle === 'function') {
const originFuncSetCursorStyle = zr.setCursorStyle.bind(zr);
zr.setCursorStyle = (cursorStyle: string) => {
if (cursorStyle !== 'crosshair') originFuncSetCursorStyle(cursorStyle);
框选,不应该拿pointer 款选的 交互设计的应该就是这个样子吧
This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it did not have recent activity. It will be closed in 7 days if no further activity occurs. If you wish not to mark it as stale, please leave a comment in this issue.
This issue has been automatically closed because it did not have recent activity. If this remains to be a problem with the latest version of Apache ECharts, please open a new issue and link this to it. Thanks!