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[Bug] polar使用visualMap时,只有折线标记的图形颜色正常变化
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Steps to Reproduce
const data = []; for (let i = 0; i <= 50; i++) { let theta = (i / 50) * 360; let r = 5 * (1 + Math.sin((theta / 180) * Math.PI)); data.push([r, theta]); } option = { title: { text: 'Two Value-Axes in Polar' }, legend: { data: ['line'] }, polar: {}, tooltip: { trigger: 'axis', axisPointer: { type: 'cross' } }, angleAxis: { type: 'value', startAngle: 0 }, radiusAxis: {}, visualMap: { top: 50, right: 10, dimension: 0, pieces: [ { gt: 0, lte: 2, color: '#93CE07' }, { gt: 2, lte: 4, color: '#FBDB0F' }, { gt: 4, lte: 6, color: '#FC7D02' }, { gt: 6, lte: 8, color: '#FD0100' }, { gt: 8, lte: 10, color: '#AA069F' }, { gt: 10, color: '#AC3B2A' } ], outOfRange: { color: '#999' } }, series: [ { coordinateSystem: 'polar', name: 'line', type: 'line', data: data } ] };
Current Behavior
Expected Behavior
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Any additional comments?
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@suzuyong It seems you are not using English, I've helped translate the content automatically. To make your issue understood by more people and get helped, we'd like to suggest using English next time. 🤗
[Bug] When polar uses visualMap, only the graph color of polyline markers changes normally
After diving into the code, I found that gradient color is not supported for polar lines and visualMaps use gradient to implement. It is not easy to support gradient for polar lines because linear gradient is tricky in the polar system so we intentionally didn't support it in the polar line series.
Although the visualMap for polar line series may not be implemented in a near future, you can follow #17138 to see if this requirement can be fulfilled with that issue.