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Observability task:monitoring platform data export exporter function(可观测性任务监控平台数据导出exporter功能)
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En: In fact, dubbo already supports the monitoring of buried point data to be pushed to Prometheus or the exposed port for Prometheus to monitor and capture. For dubbo, it does not want to rely only on this third-party framework, and needs better compatibility. There are more users such as users who do not use Prometheus monitoring, but in the first stage, you can use the exporter function of Prometheus first, and at the same time communicate with the dubbo admin side so that dubbo admin can get it from Prometheus. Once you get the data you need, you can also try to use other methods to directly export the data to dubbo admin. This solution can be investigated later.
中文:其实目前dubbo已经支持了监控埋点数据推送至普罗米修斯或者暴漏端口让普罗米修斯监控来抓取,对于dubbo来说并不想仅仅依赖这一个第三方框架,需要有更好的兼容更多的用户比如未使用普罗米修斯监控的用户,不过第一个阶段可以先使用普罗米修斯的exporter导出功能,同时与dubbo admin端做好沟通让dubbo admin从普罗米修斯中拿到自己需要的数据,后续也可以尝试使用其他方式将数据直接导出给dubbo admin 这个方案后续可以调研一下
Hello, I'm interested in this task. I think the skywalking can also be considered as the oap. In the issue#11246, I plan to research whether the "trace" data can export to skywalking from micrometer with otel bridge. And also, the otel bridge supports the "metrics" data. By the way, I think the "exporter" should be in a more common way to support more third part oap.
Hello, I'm interested in this task. I think the skywalking can also be considered as the oap. In the issue#11246, I plan to research whether the "trace" data can export to skywalking from micrometer with otel bridge. And also, the otel bridge supports the "metrics" data. By the way, I think the "exporter" should be in a more common way to support more third part oap.
clould you leave me your dingding ID
Hello, I'm interested in this task. I think the skywalking can also be considered as the oap. In the issue#11246, I plan to research whether the "trace" data can export to skywalking from micrometer with otel bridge. And also, the otel bridge supports the "metrics" data. By the way, I think the "exporter" should be in a more common way to support more third part oap.
clould you leave me your dingding ID
Hello, I'm interested in this task. I think the skywalking can also be considered as the oap. In the issue#11246, I plan to research whether the "trace" data can export to skywalking from micrometer with otel bridge. And also, the otel bridge supports the "metrics" data. By the way, I think the "exporter" should be in a more common way to support more third part oap.
clould you leave me your dingding ID
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