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[Feature](iceberg-writer) Implements iceberg sink basic functionality for inserting into table.
Proposed changes
[Feature] (iceberg-writer) Implements iceberg sink basic functionality for inserting into table.
Currently only insert into and CTAS are supported. Among them, insert into supports unpartitioned tables and partitioned tables, but partitioned tables only support identity transform partitioned tables.
Future work:
- Complete partitioned table transform functionality.
- Sorting function.
- Insert overwrite function.
- More features like update, delete and merge.
Further comments
If this is a relatively large or complex change, kick off the discussion at [email protected] by explaining why you chose the solution you did and what alternatives you considered, etc...
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run buildall
run buildall
run buildall
run buildall
run compile
run buildall
TeamCity be ut coverage result: Function Coverage: 35.83% (9124/25463) Line Coverage: 27.35% (74876/273809) Region Coverage: 26.62% (38754/145595) Branch Coverage: 23.41% (19732/84280) Coverage Report: