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scripts: parametrize systemvm, router restart
Fixes #6220
Types of changes
- [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to change)
- [ ] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
- [ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
- [x] Enhancement (improves an existing feature and functionality)
- [ ] Cleanup (Code refactoring and cleanup, that may add test cases)
Feature/Enhancement Scale or Bug Severity
Feature/Enhancement Scale
- [ ] Major
- [ ] Minor
Bug Severity
- [ ] Critical
- [ ] Major
- [ ] Minor
- [ ] Trivial
Screenshots (if appropriate):
How Has This Been Tested?
[root@ref-trl-3339-v-M7-abhishek-kumar-mgmt1 ~]# /usr/bin/cloudstack-sysvmadm
The tool stopping/starting running system vms and domain routers
Usage: cloudstack-sysvmadm: [-d] [-u] [-p] [-m] [-s] [-r] [-a] [-t] [-n] [-z] [-i] [-j] [-v] [-i] [-j]
-d - cloud DB server ip address, defaulted to localhost if not specified
-u - user name to access cloud DB, defaulted to root if not specified
-p - cloud DB user password, defaulted to no password if not specified
-m - the ip address of management server, defaulted to localhost if not specified
-s - stop then start all running SSVMs and Console Proxies
-r - stop then start all running Virtual Routers
-a - stop then start all running SSVMs, Console Proxies, and Virtual Routers
-n - restart all Guest networks
-t - number of parallel threads used for stopping Domain Routers. Default is 10.
-l - log file location. Default is cloud.log under current directory.
-z - do restart only for the instances in the specific zone. If not specified, restart will apply to instances in all zones
-v - do restart all VPCs in the entire system
-i - do restart on instances with specific IDs. Comma-separated instance IDs to be provided. Works ony when restarting SSVMs, CPVMs or VRs
-j - do restart on instances from the specified database table. If not specified, restart will apply on instances present in cloud.vm_instance database table. Works ony when restarting SSVMs, CPVMs or VRs
[root@ref-trl-3339-v-M7-abhishek-kumar-mgmt1 ~]# /usr/bin/cloudstack-sysvmadm -a -u root -p P@ssword123 -i 9b802cd9-8d97-42dc-9610-2650a2831fee,2f1d6bc1-7143-42b7-a5b7-2383d4eddcb9
Stopping and starting 1 secondary storage vm(s) with id=9b802cd9-8d97-42dc-9610-2650a2831fee,2f1d6bc1-7143-42b7-a5b7-2383d4eddcb9...
Done stopping and starting secondary storage vm(s) with id=9b802cd9-8d97-42dc-9610-2650a2831fee,2f1d6bc1-7143-42b7-a5b7-2383d4eddcb9
Stopping and starting 1 console proxy vm(s) with id=9b802cd9-8d97-42dc-9610-2650a2831fee,2f1d6bc1-7143-42b7-a5b7-2383d4eddcb9...
Done stopping and starting console proxy vm(s) with id=9b802cd9-8d97-42dc-9610-2650a2831fee,2f1d6bc1-7143-42b7-a5b7-2383d4eddcb9.
Stopping and starting 0 running routing vm(s) with id=9b802cd9-8d97-42dc-9610-2650a2831fee,2f1d6bc1-7143-42b7-a5b7-2383d4eddcb9...
Found UI changes, kicking a new UI QA build @blueorangutan ui
@acs-robot a Jenkins job has been kicked to build UI QA env. I'll keep you posted as I make progress.
UI build: :heavy_check_mark: Live QA URL: (SL-JID-2012)
Found UI changes, kicking a new UI QA build @blueorangutan ui
@acs-robot a Jenkins job has been kicked to build UI QA env. I'll keep you posted as I make progress.
UI build: :heavy_check_mark: Live QA URL: (SL-JID-2168)
This is interesting, Peter. I assume you are aware of FLARM, which is used in gliders. I feel that Stratux would not be able to perform the request as it is already using 2 USB ports for 2 SDRs, and I would expect a 3rd SDR would be required, for the additional frequency. How often can APRS update position within current HAM license rules. Certainly there is a use case here, but I see it as a separate product. Given all of that, I would go with PowerFlarm. and we already have Flarm ready stratux code. After you look at this stuff long enough, the FAA may have picked the wrong horse.
@shwstppr is this good for review/merge?
@blueorangutan package
@DaanHoogland a Jenkins job has been kicked to build packages. It will be bundled with KVM, XenServer and VMware SystemVM templates. I'll keep you posted as I make progress.
Packaging result: :heavy_multiplication_x: el7 :heavy_multiplication_x: el8 :heavy_multiplication_x: debian :heavy_multiplication_x: suse15. SL-JID 4881
Packaging result: :heavy_multiplication_x: el7 :heavy_check_mark: el8 :heavy_check_mark: debian :heavy_check_mark: suse15. SL-JID 4902
Packaging result: :heavy_check_mark: el7 :heavy_check_mark: el8 :heavy_check_mark: debian :heavy_check_mark: suse15. SL-JID 4982
@blueorangutan test matrix
@DaanHoogland a Trillian-Jenkins matrix job (centos7 mgmt + xs71, centos7 mgmt + vmware65, centos7 mgmt + kvmcentos7) has been kicked to run smoke tests
@DaanHoogland I don't think the script, this PR changes, is called by the management server or any agent
Trillian test result (tid-5528) Environment: xenserver-71 (x2), Advanced Networking with Mgmt server 7 Total time taken: 39666 seconds Marvin logs: Smoke tests completed. 105 look OK, 0 have errors, 0 did not run Only failed and skipped tests results shown below:
Test | Result | Time (s) | Test File |
Trillian test result (tid-5529) Environment: kvm-centos7 (x2), Advanced Networking with Mgmt server 7 Total time taken: 44535 seconds Marvin logs: Smoke tests completed. 104 look OK, 1 have errors, 0 did not run Only failed and skipped tests results shown below:
Test | Result | Time (s) | Test File |
test_01_vpc_site2site_vpn_multiple_options | Failure |
497.08 | |
test_01_vpc_site2site_vpn | Failure |
395.24 | |