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api,server: custom dns for guest network
Adds option to provide custom DNS servers for isolated network, shared network and VPC tier. New API parameters added in createNetwork API along with the corresponding response parameters.
Doc PR:
Types of changes
- [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to change)
- [x] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
- [ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
- [x] Enhancement (improves an existing feature and functionality)
- [ ] Cleanup (Code refactoring and cleanup, that may add test cases)
Feature/Enhancement Scale or Bug Severity
Feature/Enhancement Scale
- [ ] Major
- [x] Minor
Bug Severity
- [ ] Critical
- [ ] Major
- [ ] Minor
- [ ] Trivial
Screenshots (if appropriate):
How Has This Been Tested?
Manually ran new marvin test:
[root@pr6425-t4310-vmware-67u3-marvin marvin]# nosetests --with-xunit --xunit-file=results.xml --with-marvin --marvin-config=./pr6425-t4310-vmware-67u3-advanced-cfg -s -a tags=advanced --hypervisor=VMware tests/component/
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/paramiko/ CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Python 3.6 is no longer supported by the Python core team. Therefore, support for it is deprecated in cryptography and will be removed in a future release.
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
==== Marvin Init Started ====
=== Marvin Parse Config Successful ===
=== Marvin Setting TestData Successful===
==== Log Folder Path: /marvin/MarvinLogs/Jun_16_2022_07_07_09_BQCG9M All logs will be available here ====
=== Marvin Init Logging Successful===
==== Marvin Init Successful ====
====Trying SSH Connection: Host: User:root Port:22 RetryCnt:60===
===SSH to Host port : 22 SUCCESSFUL===
{Cmd: ssh -i /var/cloudstack/management/.ssh/id_rsa -ostricthostkeychecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -p 3922 cat /etc/resolv.conf via Host:} {returns: ['nameserver', 'nameserver', 'nameserver 2001:4860:4860::5555', 'nameserver 2001:4860:4860::6666']}
=== TestName: test_01_verify_network_dns | Status : SUCCESS ===
====Trying SSH Connection: Host: User:root Port:22 RetryCnt:60===
====Trying SSH Connection: Host: User:root Port:22 RetryCnt:60===
===SSH to Host port : 22 SUCCESSFUL===
===SSH to Host port : 22 SUCCESSFUL===
{Cmd: ssh -i /var/cloudstack/management/.ssh/id_rsa -ostricthostkeychecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -p 3922 cat /etc/resolv.conf via Host:} {returns: ['nameserver', 'nameserver', 'nameserver 2001:4860:4860::5555', 'nameserver 2001:4860:4860::6666']}
{Cmd: ssh -i /var/cloudstack/management/.ssh/id_rsa -ostricthostkeychecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -p 3922 cat /etc/resolv.conf via Host:} {returns: ['nameserver', 'nameserver', 'nameserver 2001:4860:4860::5555', 'nameserver 2001:4860:4860::6666']}
=== TestName: test_01_verify_vpc_dns | Status : SUCCESS ===
=== Final results are now copied to: /marvin//MarvinLogs/test_network_vpc_custom_dns_2CPKHK ===
is this open for a review yet @shwstppr ?
is this open for a review yet @shwstppr ?
@DaanHoogland no, not yet
Found UI changes, kicking a new UI QA build @blueorangutan ui
@blueorangutan package
@shwstppr a Jenkins job has been kicked to build packages. It will be bundled with KVM, XenServer and VMware SystemVM templates. I'll keep you posted as I make progress.
Packaging result: :heavy_check_mark: el7 :heavy_check_mark: el8 :heavy_check_mark: debian :heavy_check_mark: suse15. SL-JID 3532
Packaging result: :heavy_check_mark: el7 :heavy_check_mark: el8 :heavy_multiplication_x: debian :heavy_check_mark: suse15. SL-JID 3537
@blueorangutan test
@shwstppr a Trillian-Jenkins test job (centos7 mgmt + kvm-centos7) has been kicked to run smoke tests
UI build: :heavy_check_mark: Live QA URL: (SL-JID-1694)
@shwstppr a Jenkins job has been kicked to build packages. It will be bundled with KVM, XenServer and VMware SystemVM templates. I'll keep you posted as I make progress.
Packaging result: :heavy_check_mark: el7 :heavy_check_mark: el8 :heavy_multiplication_x: debian :heavy_check_mark: suse15. SL-JID 3542
@blueorangutan test
@shwstppr a Trillian-Jenkins test job (centos7 mgmt + kvm-centos7) has been kicked to run smoke tests
Trillian test result (tid-4314) Environment: kvm-centos7 (x2), Advanced Networking with Mgmt server 7 Total time taken: 39336 seconds Marvin logs: Smoke tests completed. 97 look OK, 0 have errors Only failed tests results shown below:
Test | Result | Time (s) | Test File |
@blueorangutan package
@shwstppr a Jenkins job has been kicked to build packages. It will be bundled with KVM, XenServer and VMware SystemVM templates. I'll keep you posted as I make progress.
UI build: :heavy_check_mark: Live QA URL: (SL-JID-1734)
Packaging result: :heavy_check_mark: el7 :heavy_check_mark: el8 :heavy_check_mark: debian :heavy_check_mark: suse15. SL-JID 3571
Found UI changes, kicking a new UI QA build @blueorangutan ui
UI build: :heavy_check_mark: Live QA URL: (SL-JID-1737)
Found UI changes, kicking a new UI QA build @blueorangutan ui
@acs-robot a Jenkins job has been kicked to build UI QA env. I'll keep you posted as I make progress.
@blueorangutan package
@shwstppr a Jenkins job has been kicked to build packages. It will be bundled with KVM, XenServer and VMware SystemVM templates. I'll keep you posted as I make progress.
UI build: :heavy_check_mark: Live QA URL: (SL-JID-1744)
Packaging result: :heavy_check_mark: el7 :heavy_check_mark: el8 :heavy_multiplication_x: debian :heavy_check_mark: suse15. SL-JID 3578
Found UI changes, kicking a new UI QA build @blueorangutan ui
@acs-robot a Jenkins job has been kicked to build UI QA env. I'll keep you posted as I make progress.
UI build: :heavy_check_mark: Live QA URL: (SL-JID-1746)