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Stack trace decoration with Operator name for Samza Runner
- Added support for displaying the full tranform name with any stack-trace for Samza Runner
- Added support for decorating stack traces with additional debugging information by adding a SamzaExceptionListener via the observer pattern
Full transform name will be displayed with stack-trace on any exception thrown at runtime for ex
2022-08-02 11:45:30 ERROR [OpAdapter] [Samza StreamProcessor Container Thread-0] Op My Custom Operator/ParMultiDo(Anonymous) threw an exception during processing
java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.beam.sdk.util.UserCodeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: My Custom Exception
at org.apache.beam.runners.samza.metrics.DoFnRunnerWithMetrics.withMetrics( ~[beam-runners-samza-]
at org.apache.beam.runners.samza.metrics.DoFnRunnerWithMetrics.processElement( ~[beam-runners-samza-]
at org.apache.beam.runners.core.SimplePushbackSideInputDoFnRunner.processElementInReadyWindows( ~[beam-runners-core-java-]
at org.apache.beam.runners.samza.runtime.DoFnOp.processElement( ~[beam-runners-samza-]
at org.apache.beam.runners.samza.runtime.OpAdapter.apply( ~[beam-runners-samza-]
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R: @xinyuiscool @kw2542
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Run Samza ValidatesRunner
Run Java Samza PortableValidatesRunner
Run Python Samza ValidatesRunner
Run XVR_Samza PostCommit
Run Go Samza ValidatesRunner
Discussed offline and found out the actual use cases is for full TransformName. Suggest encoding that in the OpAdapter layer instead of pushing down to each Op and then only used by OpAdaptor.
Discussed offline and found out the actual use cases is for full TransformName. Suggest encoding that in the OpAdapter layer instead of pushing down to each Op and then only used by OpAdaptor.
ack, similplied the transform name via encoding it in OpAdapter
We found some unmerged changes from linkedin/beam to apache/beam, those changes needs to be first merged to open source to do this PR. For instance still in open source PortableTranslationContext & TranslationContext do not have a lineage
but for Linkedin fork does