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filtering DataFrame loaded from feather file triggers `deleteat!` error
I'm loading a table from feather file in a straightforward way
df = filename |> Arrow.Table |> DataFrame
and attempting to filter it based on the values of one column
filter!(row -> row.x < 7, df)
but this throws the following error
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching deleteat!(::Arrow.Primitive{Float32, Vector{Float32}}, ::Vector{Int64})
Closest candidates are:
deleteat!(::DataValues.DataValueVector, ::Any) at C:\Users\markm\.julia\packages\DataValues\N7oeL\src\array\datavaluevector.jl:168
deleteat!(::SubDataFrame, ::Any) at C:\Users\markm\.julia\packages\DataFrames\6xBiG\src\subdataframe\subdataframe.jl:293
deleteat!(::PooledArrays.PooledVector, ::Any) at C:\Users\markm\.julia\packages\PooledArrays\tQueO\src\PooledArrays.jl:627
[1] _deleteat!_helper(df::DataFrame, drop::Vector{Int64})
@ DataFrames C:\Users\markm\.julia\packages\DataFrames\6xBiG\src\dataframe\dataframe.jl:1065
[2] deleteat!(df::DataFrame, inds::Vector{Int64})
@ DataFrames C:\Users\markm\.julia\packages\DataFrames\6xBiG\src\dataframe\dataframe.jl:1042
[3] filter!(f::Function, df::DataFrame)
@ DataFrames C:\Users\markm\.julia\packages\DataFrames\6xBiG\src\abstractdataframe\abstractdataframe.jl:1211
[4] top-level scope
@ REPL[6]:1
The problem can be fixed by reallocating the columns
df = mapcols(Vector, df)
But it seems like filtering (and potentially other operations) should work on a data frame after loading from feather without further manipulation. Not a huge deal and perhaps this is an issue better directed to DataFrames.jl
, but I thought worth pointing out.
Also my versions are
Arrow v2.3.0
DataFrames v1.3.4