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Change set_current_context location
checked this changed works by this dag:
from airflow.operators.python import get_current_context, PythonOperator
def some_function_in_your_library():
return 'rom'
def some_function_in_your_library2(name):
def config(task_id):
context = get_current_context()
_result = context['ti'].xcom_pull(task_ids=task_id)
return _result
user_defined_macros = {"config": config}
from airflow.models.dag import DAG
with DAG(dag_id='my_dag', user_defined_macros=user_defined_macros) as dag:
task1 = PythonOperator(python_callable=some_function_in_your_library, task_id='my_task')
task2 = PythonOperator(python_callable=some_function_in_your_library2, task_id='my_task2', op_kwargs={"name": "{{config('my_task')}}"})
task1 >> task2
task2 print rom
cc: @vanchaxy
^ Add meaningful description above
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