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Fix Google system tests
After the conversation with @potiuk it was decided to track all system tests that are not working properly/do not exist.
This is an aggregated issue for all system tests related to Google provider.
This issue was created to track progress of their fixing.
List of tests:
- [x] async_example_gcp_mlengine
- [ ] automl_dataset
- [ ] bigquery_queries_async
- [ ] cloud_compute_ssh
- [ ] cloud_memorystore_memcached
- [ ] cloud_memorystore_redis
- [ ] cloud_tasks_tasks
- [ ] cloud_workflows
- [ ] cloudsql
- [ ] datacatalog_search_catalog
- [ ] dataflow_native_java
- [x] dataflow_template
- [x] example_postgres_to_gcs
- [x] dataproc_cluster_generation
- [x] example_dataproc_cluster_deferrable
- [x] example_dataproc_cluster_update
- [x] example_dataproc_hadoop
- [x] example_dataproc_spark
- [x] example_dataproc_spark_sql
- [x] example_dataproc_hive
- [x] example_dataproc_sparkr
- [x] example_dataproc_pyspark
- [x] example_dataproc_pig
- [x] dataproc_spark_deferrable
- [x] example_dataproc_trino
- [x] example_dataproc_presto
- [x] dataproc-gke
- [x] example_dataproc_batch
- [x] example_dataproc_batch_deferrable
- [x] example_dataproc_batch_persistent
- [x] example_dataproc_workflow
- [x] example_dataproc_workflow_deferrable
- [x] example_dataproc_metastore_hive_partition_sensor
- [ ] datastore_commit
- [ ] datastore_export_import
- [ ] example_automl_model
- [ ] example_automl_text
- [ ] example_automl_vision
- [ ] example_beam_native_go
- [ ] example_calendar_to_gcs
- [ ] example_campaign_manager
- [ ] example_composer_deferrable
- [ ] example_composer
- [x] example_data_fusion_async
- [x] example_data_fusion
- [x] example_dataform
- [ ] example_dataplex
- [ ] example_dataprep
- [ ] example_gcp_cloud_build_async
- [ ] example_gcp_cloud_build_trigger
- [ ] example_gcp_cloud_build
- [ ] example_gcp_firestore
- [ ] example_gcp_function
- [x] example_gcp_mlengine
- [ ] example_gcs_to_gdrive
- [ ] example_gcs_to_sheets
- [ ] example_gdrive_to_gcs_with_gdrive_sensor
- [ ] example_gdrive_to_local
- [ ] example_google_ads
- [ ] example_google_analytics
- [ ] example_local_to_drive
- [ ] example_search_ads
- [ ] example_sheets_gcs
- [ ] example_sheets_to_gcs
- [ ] example_sql_to_sheets
- [x] example_s3_to_gcs_async
- [ ] gcs_acl
- [ ] vertex_ai_auto_ml_operations_forecasting_training_job
- [ ] vertex_ai_auto_ml_operations_image_training_job
- [ ] vertex_ai_auto_ml_operations_tabular_training_job
- [ ] vertex_ai_auto_ml_operations_text_training_job
- [ ] vertex_ai_auto_ml_operations_video_training_job
- [ ] vertex_ai_batch_prediction_job_operations
- [ ] vertex_ai_custom_job_operations_custom_container
- [ ] vertex_ai_custom_job_operations_custom
- [ ] vertex_ai_custom_job_operations_python_package
- [ ] vertex_ai_dataset_operations
- [ ] vertex_ai_endpoint_service_operations
- [ ] vertex_ai_hyperparameter_tuning_job_operations
- [ ] vertex_ai_model_service_operations
Once the test is added/fixed, the check-box should be changed.
If the test was migrated system tests to new design, please, make sure you have updated the list here:
If you have migrated tests to new location (from example_dags -> system_tests folder), please, make sure you have updated the list here:
- [X] I acknowledge that I am a maintainer/committer of the Apache Airflow project.
Thanks for opening your first issue here! Be sure to follow the issue template! If you are willing to raise PR to address this issue please do so, no need to wait for approval.
@VladaZakharova I merged a PR for this, can you help in testing it out?
@VladaZakharova do we still need this tracking issue?