bootmetro copied to clipboard
mousewheel scroll on hub.html
hub page tiles moving when we scroll on up direction by default it is down for moving a page
sorry for my english
This is with the 1 prebeta version of bootmetro. For some reason the scroll functionality using nicescroll has been disabled.
my bad, just disabled for internal testing. You can re-enable your self, in the html page find the following snippet:
$('.panorama').panorama({ nicescroll: false, showscrollbuttons: true, keyboard: true });
and set true instead of the bolded false text above.
Thanks, I did locate this issue but there is also commented code in
bootmetro-panorama.js like this
// console.log('nicescroll init'); // var nicesx = this.$element.niceScroll(".panorama .panorama-sections", // { // touchbehavior: true, //Modernizr.touch, // cursorcolor: "#FF00FF", // cursoropacitymax: 0.6, // cursorwidth: 24, // usetransition: true, // hwacceleration: true, // autohidemode: "hidden" // }); //
are you update these changes in the demo you have given in info
Sorry for the late answer. I apologize for the previous answer, Nicescroll is temporary disabled because in its place I've inserted the TouchSwipe plugin, that add touch support for swipe gestures. In any case the panorama plugin is still in progress. In any case notify me for any other problem.
The bootmetro-panorama.js is not working with portrait mode in IPAD(resolution- width: 764). Can you any one tell me the reason