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SuperBI is an interactive, efficient, flexible, and fast multi-dimensional visual analysis platform. SuperBI 是一个基于底层全量数据的可视化多维查询分析BI系统,提供不同数据源不同维度不同粒度的底层数据...

🌐 中文


SuperBI is an interactive, efficient, flexible, and fast multi-dimensional visual analysis platform.

Key features include:

  • Self-service analysis - Business personnel can freely drag and drop data for self-service analysis
  • Visualization reports - Quickly build visual reports based on a rich variety of chart types and components
  • Second-level queries - Supports second-level queries on massive data from various data sources
  • Zero barriers to entry - Simple page interactions, allowing analysts to quickly get started
  • Data security - Multi-level data permissions and operation controls for safer data analysis
  • Diverse data sources - Supports multiple data sources for associated queries

Official Website,which contains detailed product documentation.

Demo Images

SuperBI Discussion Group

QQ Group: 308705126

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Quick Start

The project offers a docker-compose deployment method, integrating MySQL and Redis, without the need for additional installations.

# Clone the repository
$ git clone

# Enter the project directory
$ cd SuperBI

# Start with docker-compose
$ docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

After the service has started, enter in the browser to access.

Default username and password: Admin/admin123

The first startup requires database initialization, please wait patiently for 3-5 minutes.

Source Code Compilation and Deployment

Before compiling from the source, ensure that MySQL and Redis are available.

1. Database Initialization

The project's database initialization file is provided in the sql directory and can be executed in MySQL.

mysql> source ${project_dir}/sql/init.sql

2. Backend Compilation

Before compiling, modify the MySQL and Redis configuration in the ${project_dir}/backend/super-bi/src/main/resource/bootstrap.yml file.

# MySQL configuration
    driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
    url: jdbc:mysql://mysql:3306/bdp_super_bi?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&useSSL=true&serverTimezone=GMT%2B8
    username: root
    password: 123456
# redis configuration
  host: redis
  port: 6379

The backend project uses maven for compilation. Before compiling, ensure maven is installed on the machine.

$ cd backend
$ mvn clean package -DskipTest

After compilation, start the backend API server.

$ java -jar super-bi/target/super-bi.jar

3. Frontend Deployment

The frontend project relies on the NODE environment, please ensure that NODE is correctly installed locally.

cd frontend

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Run
npm run dev

# Build
npm run build

# To build for different environments, run different build commands
npm run build:*

4. Compile Docker Image

After both frontend and backend projects have been successfully compiled, you can compile your own docker image.

# Enter the docker directory
$ cd docker

# Copy the compiled frontend files to the docker directory
$ cp -r ../frontend/dist-production ./super-bi

# Copy the compiled backend files to the docker directory
$ cp ../backend/super-bi/target/super-bi.jar .

$ docker build -t super-bi:test .

5. One-Click Compilation Script

The project provides a one-click compilation script, which can directly compile a docker image.

# Compile without docker image
$ sh

# Compile with docker image
$ sh docker