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Home of the cyclops integration modules : support for Scala, Clojure, RxJava (1+2), Reactor, FunctionalJava, Guava, Dexx & Vavr
Base level module for working with functions * functions with up to 8 parameters * currying * type inferencing Should consist of with the exception of Predicates (which is...
Move extended persistent collections out of cyclops-react and into cyclops-pcollections. Add specific HKT encodings for pcollection types. Provide typeclass instances for PStack and PVector.
This is a base level module that will be included as a dependency in cyclops-react. Extracted to it's own module as part of cyclops-react 2.0.0 / cyclops 9.0.0 :
Move the cyclops-react AnyM and AnyM based monad transformers to this module. As part of cyclops-react 2.0.0 to create a leaner more focused core and improve build times. HKT encoding...
Create a common interface in cyclops-streams. simple-react has a wide range of pluggable strategies for consumption / production management (spin locking, blocking, dropping data, backoff / exp. back off etc).
filterM, replicateM, foldRightM, takeWhileM, skipWhileM, takeUntilM, skipUntilM methods See :
Add retry and recovery facilities for map operations for any monad type (optional, Stream, List etc)