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:sparkles: Better way to format Express response


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Better way to format Express response

How It Works

  • You can use response with readable name like res.formatter.ok for 200 ok or res.formatter.badRequest for 400 bad request.
  • It will format your response in two ways success and error.
    • If response is 2xx, 3xx return response under object key data.
    • If response is 4xx, 5xx return response under object key error.
  • You can pass metadata as second parameter and it's will present under meta object key.



npm install express-response-formatter --save

Quick Start

Response for 200 Ok.

import app from 'express'
import { responseEnhancer } from 'express-response-formatter'

const app = express()

// Add formatter functions to "res" object via "responseEnhancer()"

app.get('/success', (req, res) => {
  const users = [{ name: 'Dana Kennedy' }, { name: 'Warren Young' }]

  // It's enhance "res" with "formatter" which contain formatter functions

app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Start at http://localhost:3000'))


HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
  "data": [
      "name": "Dana Kennedy"
      "name": "Warren Young"

More usages

Response for 200 Ok with meta field

app.get('/success-with-meta', (req, res) => {
  const users = [{ name: 'Dana Kennedy' }, { name: 'Warren Young' }]

  const meta = {
    total: 2,
    limit: 10,
    offset: 0,

  res.formatter.ok(users, meta)
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
  "meta": {
    "total": 2,
    "limit": 10,
    "offset": 0,
  "data": [
      "name": "Dana Kennedy"
      "name": "Warren Young"

Response for 400 Bad Request with "error"

app.get('/bad-request', (req, res) => {
  const errors = [
    { detail: 'Field id is required.' },
    { detail: 'Field foo is required.' },

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
  "error": [
      "detail": "Field id is required."
      "detail": "Field foo is required."


res.formatter.ok(data, meta?) 200
res.formatter.created(data, meta?) 201
res.formatter.accepted(data, meta?) 202
res.formatter.noContent(data, meta?) 204
res.formatter.badRequest(errors, meta) 400
res.formatter.unauthorized(errors, meta) 401
res.formatter.forbidden(errors, meta) 403
res.formatter.notFound(errors, meta) 404
res.formatter.methodNotAllowed(errors, meta) 405
res.formatter.timeout(errors, meta) 408
res.formatter.conflict(errors, meta) 409
res.formatter.unprocess(errors, meta) 422
res.formatter.tooManyRequests(errors, meta) 429
res.formatter.serverError(errors, meta) 500
res.formatter.badGateway(errors, meta) 502
res.formatter.serviceUnavailable(errors, meta) 503
res.formatter.gatewayTimeout(errors, meta) 504