django-user-notification icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
django-user-notification copied to clipboard

Send notification message to users through multiple backends.

Django user notification

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Django user notification is intended to provide a way to send multiple types of notification messages to django users out of box.


on the way...


  • Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10
  • Django 3.1, 3.2, 4.0, 4.1


Install using pip...

pip install django-user-notification

Add 'django_quill' and 'notification' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting.


Quick Start

Let's take a look at a quick start of using Django user notification to send notification messages to users.

Run the notification migrations using:

python migrate notification

Add the following to your module:

    ...  # Make sure to include the default installed apps here.

    "aliyunsms": {
        "access_key_id": "Your Access Key ID",
        "access_key_secret": "Your Access Key Secret",
        "sign_name": "Your Sign Name",
    "dingtalkchatbot": {
        "webhook": "Your Webhook URL",
    "dingtalkworkmessage": {
        "agent_id": "Your App Agent ID",
        "app_key": "Your App Key",
        "app_secret": "Your App Secret",
    "dingtalktodotask": {
        "app_key": "Your App Key",
        "app_secret": "Your App Secret",

Let's send a notification

from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from notification.backends import notify_by_email, notify_by_dingtalk_workmessage

User = get_user_model()

recipient = User.objects.first()

# send a dingtalk work message notification
notify_by_dingtalk_workmessage([recipient], phone_field="phone", title="This is a title", message="A test message")

# send a email notiofication
notify_by_email([recipient], title="This is a title", message="A test message")

Send Message With Template

django-user-notification support send notifications with custom template, To specify a custom message template you can provide the template_code and context parameters.

  1. Create a template message with code named TMP01 on django admin

  2. Provide the template_code and context to send method:


notify_by_email([recipient], template_code="TMP01", context={"content": "Hello"})

Supported backends

  • DummyNotificationBackend: send dummy message
  • EmailNotificationBackend: send email notification.
  • WebsocketNotificationBackend: send webdocket notification, need install extension: channels.
  • AliyunSMSNotificationBackend: send aliyun sms notification, need install extension: aliyunsms.
  • DingTalkChatbotNotificationBackend: send dingtalk chatbot notification.
  • DingTalkToDoTaskNotificationBackend: send dingtalk todo tasks notification
  • DingTalkWorkMessageNotificationBackend: send dingtalk work message notification.
  • WechatNotificationBackend: planning...

Running the tests

To run the tests against the current environment:

$ pytest tests/



  • Initial release


As an open source project, we welcome contributions. The code lives on GitHub

