Closes #17172 - Change `Modifiers` and `MouseButtons` enum values to match masks and values of SDL. - Let SDL platform determine at startup if mapping is compatible. - Use (trivial)...
Improve performance of Font.Measure, see a past attempt here #19685. Issue here as a reminder.
Group TerrainSpriteLayer cells by square bins instead of rows. Please pick up #19568 or #19564 once again. The last describes the significant performance improvement. Issue is here as a reminder.
`ClosestProc` in `OpenRA.Mods.Common/Traits/Harvester.cs` uses quite an expensive query to calculate how much harvesters are already associated with a `IAcceptResources` trait. It queries all harvesters to see if they are linked...
The following statement occurs very often in the code that it seems worth while to shorten it to improve code readability. `!Trait.IsTraitDisabled && !Trait.IsTraitPaused` Proposal: `Trait.IsEnabledAndResumed` Optional, If you maintain...
For consideration. Performance benefit untested. Introduction of `TraitMultiplicityAttribute` that allows you to declare that one instance of a trait is only ever assigned to a single actor. Allow use of...
Debug menu accessible to spectator. I often run a bot game to test something.
Script object and member wrappers are created each time an `IScriptBindable` object is bound. Script binding and unbinding takes place often for brief moments when i.e. before and after calling...
Consider refactor. GpsDot updates seems heavy. Are maintained per player rather than per team. Updates run each effect tick by looping over al players. Check each time if there are...
everyone entering lobby always ask if its ffa or teams, and if so, how many. would be nice if admin can make this clear when starting the game. i.e. show...