Avoid upating tooltip text and dimension each render frame - i.e. 60 times per second. Calculating the dimensions of the text is relatively expensive. The user will not notice a...
Combine `Shroud.IsExplored` and `Shroud.IsVisible` into `Shroud.Visbility`. Calculate neighbors and their visibility only once and reuse to determine both shroud and fog edges. Avoids multiple cell layer lookups and map bound...
Reduce path searching time by 22-25%.(factor 0.781 - 0.745 in ticks, bot game, 8 bots, Ascent map, AI nog generating that much path activity, i.e. no planes, units not travelling...
`SpriteRenderer` renders 'into' a temporary vertex array. It will clear this temporary vertex array after each `Flush()`. Because the array is cleared there is no need for `IVertexBuffer.SetData()` to send...
HitShape is the most lookup trait per per actor using `TraitsImplementing`. Using this method will search the global `TraitDictionary` for all actors with the trait and after search for the...
Make PerfTickLogger static. Do not allocate PerfLogTicker object on hot paths. Would be nice if settings could send out notifications on changes of either any, sections of or specific setting...
Do not recreate all actor commands again - that should remain after actor destroy - using reflection. Rather remove the commands that should not remain. The trade off between reflection...
Closes #18491. #19595 does not solve the situations where the game can get caught up in contineously rendering each game loop iteration. Rewrite of the main loop. Not because I...
MultiTapDetection used a Cache which uses a Dictionary. The game only supports 3 mouse button presses - so only three presses at once. The game on Xorg does not support...
Fly stores the last the position over the lats 5 ticks to determine the distance travelled and whether flight is stuck. - Replace position buffer `List` with an rotating buffer....