Please don't even start extra threads if the api key is not set.
My propsal was simpler. To just call ToArray at the end and to store the list. Then at least the sorting would not happen more often. Only in the second...
> A bit of a different discussion, but when optimising should consider GPS's towers. Basically a tower that gives gps vision in a circle around it. I think this feature...
to support auto/ai map generation in future, and to allow the editor to propose a subset of fitting tiles to selected map tile. a database of which tiles can be...
Could also be that dotnet uses it to synchronize between threads i.e. that it is caused by the interaction between the main thread and threaded renderer.
bleed, multi player lobby list open, idle, recording of 14mb file, few minutes. ``` dotnet-trace report ./trace.nettrace topN -n 50 Top 50 Functions (Exclusive) Inclusive Exclusive 1. Missing Symbol 38.73%...
debug build: ``` dotnet-trace report trace.nettrace topN -n 30 Top 30 Functions (Exclusive) Inclusive Exclusive 1. Missing Symbol 38.73% 38.53% 2. WaitHandle.WaitOneNoCheck(int32) 23.11% 23.11% 3. FileSystemWatcher+RunningInstance.TryReadEvent(value class NotifyEvent 15.38% 15.38%...
> We now list player names next to support power timers Is this for specs or players? Rendering text is pretty "expensive". X players, Y support powers, each frame MeasureText,...
Perhaps the path planner should become group aware. Plan paths for a whole group at once. Where it first decides on a formation, priority and follow order of the group...
Could there be situations where this fix has the opposite effect? Production queue becoming visible - where it was never meant to have one?