mootools-depender copied to clipboard
I could be missing something, but why are there so many lines that try to deal with None for package_ymls and script_jsons? Why not just set the package_ymls and scipt_jsons in the init_ declaration to [] as default values?
def init(self, package_ymls=[], script_jsons=[]): """ package_ymls is list of filenames; script_jsons is list of (library_name, filename) pairs. """ if package_ymls is None: # remove package_ymls = [] # remove if script_jsons is None: # remove scripts_json = [] #remove
self.packages = {}
self.unqualified_components = {}
self.script_json_packages = []
package_ymls = package_ymls or [] # remove
It's very dangerous (from a programming practice and hair-pulling perspective) to use mutable objects as defaults in python. Those get evaluated once, when python runs through that function the first time. So, if you do something like package_ymls.append() in your method, it will apply to every future invocation of the function. I've been bitten by this enough times that even if I know I'm not modifying the argument, I never use mutable default arguments in python.
It's a common gotcha. ; ; and many more. (Search for "python default arguments" or "python warts".)