这个功能需要配合一个叫 Dep 的组件
nhctl init dep 可以在集群中部署一个 dep,另外,you can use `kubectl label namespace ${namespace} env=nocalhost` enable namespace dependency injection namespace 需要要 label 才行
@zhangjian10 Nice feature
确实是一个好的功能,有兴趣的话可以提交此 Pr @hirampeng
I also had the same problem
i have the same question.... it's confused
In fact, it is supported, but the one-key debug does not support it? @ovaldi You can manually debug your application by start dev mode, and configure the IDEA Debug Configurations...
Maybe restarting the ide will help, and pay attention to the dir permissions of /root/.nh/bin/ and the user permissions to start the ide.(check the uid and gid!)