Arsen Nuramatov
Arsen Nuramatov
hi, any movement on this? :eyes:
jupyterlab with jupyter-collaboration plugin will automatically reload the notebook, keeping the old outputs
`$DEBUG_PLENARY` is unset for me, how can I check the notification level?
any progress on this? I could do a PR
My guess is that Telescope tries to use Treesitter highlighting in the preview(note the error in the picker preview), but doesn't trigger any of the two lazy loading trigger events,...
it would be nice to move `userstate.cbor` to cache home too :eyes:
as a workaround, you can manually trigger `BufEnter` event to make it lazy load on `:MarkdownPreview` commands: ```lua specs.mdpreview = { 'iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim', init = function() local function load_then_exec(cmd) return function()...
NB: this is all [lazy.nvim]( specific 1. I wrap the plugin specs for convenience: ``` local specs = {} local u = require('utils') specs.a = spec_a specs.b = spec_b return...
I also made a patch that seems to work, but I really don't know what I'm doing ```diff 168,169c168 < syn cluster shPPSLeftList contains=shAlias,shArithmetic,shCmdParenRegion,shCommandSub,shSubshare,shValsub,shCtrlSeq,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shDoubleQuote,shEcho,shEscape,shExDoubleQuote,shExpr,shExSingleQuote,shHereDoc,shNumber,shOperator,shOption,shPosnParm,shHereString,shRedir,shSingleQuote,shSpecial,shStatement,shSubSh,shTest,shVariable < syn cluster shPPSRightList contains=shDeref,shDerefSimple,shEscape,shPosnParm ---...
I'll try making a PR, but as I said, I'm kinda clueless Regarding `is_bash`: I don't think that's the issue, `:echo b:is_bash` outputs `1`; I don't see how it could...