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data-set copied to clipboard

state driven all in one data process for data visualization.

Results 29 data-set issues
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* **Link**: * **Platform**: * **Mini Showcase(like screenshots)**: ![image]( tsv源数据里,有相同column名,执行Connector 数据接入sources()后,后面列数据覆盖了前面的列,rows只剩一列数据,如何两列数据能都显示呢, 看Connector的options并没有其他配置。 "@antv/data-set": "0.10.2", "@antv/g2": "3.5.4", angular: 9.1.15 ``` const ds = new AntvDataSet(); const dv = ds.createView().source(data, { type:...

vite打包情况下,dagre的引用还是会报错,因为dagre里面用了require,不知道何时能解决。 我看npmjs.com上有dagre-ts,不知是否可换一个引用。

data-set: 0.11.8 vite: 2.8.4 react: 16.14.0 通过sourcemap定位到dagre库中某个js引用了无效文件,导致定义的变量undefined出错

每次打包都会提示[BABEL] Note: The code generator has deoptimised the styling of /Users/lynn/workspace/DeepBlue/DBG_AD/AdvertWEB/web_monitor/node_modules/_@[email protected]@@antv/data-set/build/data-set.js as it exceeds the max of 500KB. 请问有什么好的解决办法么 ? * **Link**: * **Platform**: * **Mini Showcase(like screenshots)**:

疑问 数据解析/处理 会支持 webworker吗,如何不计划支持是怎么考虑的

* **Link**: * **Platform**: macOS: 10.15.6 nodejs: 14.0.0 angular: 10.0.14 @antv/data-set: 0.11.5 * **Mini Showcase(like screenshots)**: tsconfig.json ```json { "compilerOptions": { "esModuleInterop": true, "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, } } ``` ![image](

`dv.transform({ type: 'partition', groupBy: ['time'], orderBy: ['value'], });` 通过 time 字段进行分组,对分组后的数据,依据 value 字段进行排序,失败,如下图所示: ![image](


` const dv = new DataSet().createView().source([ { item: '2019', columnValue: 1.01, type: 'a' }, { item: '2019', columnValue: 2.01, type: 'a' }, { item: '2020', columnValue: 1.01, type: 'a' },...