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常用的图算法 JS 实现,提供给 G6 及 Graphin 用于图分析场景使用。
AntV Algorithm
It is an algorithm package of AntV, mainly includes graph related algorithms:
Community Detection
- k-core: K-Core community detection algorithm -- Find the closely related subgraph structure that conforms to the specified core degree K
- louvain: LOUVAIN algorithm -- Divide communities according to Modularity
- i-louvain: I-LOUVAIN algorithm -- Divide communities according to Modularity and Inertial Modularity (properties similarity)
- labelPropagation: Label Propagation(LP) clustering algorithm
- minimumSpanningTree: Generate the minimum spanning tree for a graph
nodes clustering
- k-means: K-Means algorithm - Cluster nodes into K clusters according to the distance between node
- cosineSimilarity: Cosine Similarity algorithm -- Calculate cosine similarity
- nodesCosineSimilarity: Nodes Cosine Similarity algorithm -- Calculate the cosine similarity between other nodes and seed node
- pageRank: page rank algorithm for nodes ranking
- degree: calculate the in degree, out degree, and total degree for nodes
- dijkstra: Dijkstra shortest path algorithm
- findPath: Find the shortest paths and all paths for two nodes by Dijkstra
- floydWarshall: Floyd Warshall shortest path algorithm
- neighbors: Find the neighbors for a node in the graph
- GADDI: graph structural and semantic pattern matching algorithm
- detectCycle: Detect the cycles of the graph data
- dfs: Depth-First search algorithm
- adjacentMatrix: calculate the adjacency matrix for graph data
- connectedComponent: Calculate the connected components for graph data
All the algorithms above supports to be calculated with web-worker.