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🙏 透视表能够支持冻结行(有个需求希望总计能够固定在底部)
🖋 Description
透视表能够跟明细表一样支持 frozenTrailingRowCount 这些配置
🏞 What problem does this feature solve
🧐 Suggest the API
name | type | default | description |
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你要找的是不是 (You may look for issues):
- 59% #1536
- 54% #1532
- 54% #1441
- 54% #1150
- 54% #1138
- 53% #1544
- 52% #1488
- 52% #1151
- 52% #1108
- 52% #678
- 50% #1524
- 50% #1506
- 50% #745
你好 @Hzhxi9,经过我们的反复讨论, 你的需求现已被采纳, 我们会排期开发, 但人力资源有限, 短期内无法支持, 请关注后续发布日志。当然, 如果能贡献 PR 帮助我们改进, 不胜感激!
Hello, @, your feature request has been accepted after our repeated discussion. We will schedule the development. However, it could not be supported in the short term since limited time, please pay attention to the follow-up release logs. Of course, looking forward for your PR!
透视表为什么不能支持 冻结列呢? 不想要行维度 直接被分离,有时候 有很多行维度,但是只想 冻结第一列 ,固定在左侧
+1 该功能很常见呀,明细表有透视表没有 有点说不过去, 😢
🙏 大佬们排期开始了吗,如果没有我明天再过来问
ref: https://github.com/antvis/S2/pull/2416
ref: #2416
ref: #2416
duplicate of #2573