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您好,我们计划在 react 组件层的 header 组件增加一个全屏按钮,但如果您使用的是 s2-core, 可以参考 https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/Fullscreen_API 自行在业务层实现全屏功能
你好 @IEalpha,经过我们的反复讨论, 你的需求现已被采纳, 我们会排期开发, 请关注后续发布日志。
Hello, @IEalpha, your feature request have been accepted after our repeated discussion. We will schedule the development, please pay attention to the follow-up release logs.
你好 @IEalpha,经过我们的反复讨论, 你的需求过于定制化,不适合直接添加到 S2 中, S2 作为开源框架,只会进行通用能力的增强和自定义接口的开放。你可以通过 S2 提供的自定义能力自行实现,感谢你的理解。
Hello, @IEalpha, After our repeated discussions, your needs are too customized and not suitable for implementing directly to S2. As an open source framework, S2 will only enhance general capabilities and open custom interfaces. You can implement it yourself through the customization capabilities provided by S2, thank you for your understanding.