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The Alternative Build Tool for Scala projects

The Alternative Build Tool for Scala projects

ABT is a skeleton DIY build tool to replace SBT and friends to give you back control of your build.

Build tools are among those problems where almost every project has unique requirements. It's really hard to implement a tool to satisfy all those needs. Content Management Systems historically suffer from the same syndrome, they all tend to suck in their own unique ways. With build tools, the paths and tasks are always slightly different and Convention Over Configuration rarely works in practice. Many of the current build tools can do many things and are highly configurable, but at a cost: the learning curve for setting up even a slightly different build process can be high. These build tools accomplish what they do by abstracting dependency retrieval, configuration and running tasks into their own APIs and conventions; this is expected, but is often too much when all you want to do is run a few carefully crafted shell commands.

So let's break this down, what are the pieces we need for building a scala project? We need to be able to:

  • Specify dependencies and retrieve them,
  • compile scala files incrementally,
  • build a class path from the dependencies and the compiled classes,
  • run tasks which can depend on other tasks, and run only the tasks which are needed (you wouldn't want to fetch the dependencies every time you compile, for example), and
  • an environment/language in which to write and run tasks.

I believe you can build a small, fast and easily customizable build system on your own by choosing tools designed to fill those specific needs. The tools I have chosen are:

  • ivy, for specifying dependencies, retrieving, and building a classpath of those dependencies,

  • zinc, for compiling scala files incrementally. Zinc has nailgun support built-in, so compilation is very fast.

  • redo, for building your project incrementally by allowing you to specify dependencies between your targets. redo is a make replacement, but much smaller (can be implemented in 250 lines of shell script), and uses plain shell commands for declaring dependencies.

  • bash, or any other (preferably) scripting language to write your tasks in.

This project is an example Scala project skeleton of those pieces packaged together. All of the tools are bundled. You only need to have scala, python and bash installed.

You can run the example build by issuing ./abt run.

$ ./abt run
redo  build/class_files
redo    build/main.classpath
Hello world! Time is 22:52.

What just happened? Before we can run the program we need to compile the scala files (the .build/class_files target), and before that we need to retrieve the dependencies and put them in the classpath (.build/classpath.main.txt). So that's what's happening. Now if you run it again, you only see the output of the program:

$ ./abt run
Hello world! Time is 22:53.

redo saw that there was nothing left to do except run the program. In fact, if you now just compile—and didn't change any files—nothing happens:

$ time ./abt compile
./abt compile  0.02s user 0.01s system 95% cpu 0.038 total

That 38 ms is redo invoking python and checking if any of the files have changed.

You can get a list of available commands with help:

$ ./abt help
Usage: ./abt <task> [arguments]

Available tasks:

    clean            Clean target directories
    compile          Compile all sources
    scala <args>     Execute scala command with the main classpath, passing in optional arguments
    help             Show usage (you're looking at it)
    package          Create a jar
    run              Run the program


Is it any good?

You mean are ivy, zinc, redo and bash good? Yes, they are very good at what they do.

We've all seen build tools come and go. How is this any different?

Well, you see, this is not really a build tool in itself. This is an idea of one. You have to write your own build script. This is just my idea of the best tools for someone to write their own scala build system on top, and they are packaged nicely together. Just fork and mod.

Does it support Windows builds?

Probably not. You'd need a shell of some kind to run the tools.

Can this be used in my project?

Sure it can, you just have to implement the tasks in whatever language you want, and only that. This may or may not be a lot of work, but you'll have full control of your build process.

But I don't want to write my build file in bash. Can I use X?

Yes. There's no reason why you couldn't use any other language instead of bash. All of the tools are just CLI programs. Even redo is just a bunch of commands in ./bin/.