> Users can now specify an scm_branch override on the inventory source ("allow project branch override" must be enabled). Hopefully this allows users to get around the problem that @Giusepe92...
Thats a bummer because one of my planned use cases was validating the inventory before it gets merged in GitLab. It would nice to be able to change branch on...
> in general, scm_branch is not meant to be changed frequently or on-the-fly. Changing scm_branch for this inventory source changes it for other jobs that may be running in the...
Same issue here. Update to 7.3.0 broke scripts that use `#!/usr/bin/pwsh` shebang. Had to change them to `#!/usr/bin/env pwsh` to get them working again. If the change was intentional, it...
I'm getting the same issue. Somebody please make a pull request where this line `if ([bool]($attribute_value.PSobject.Properties -match "Value")) {` is replaced with `if ([bool]($attribute_value.PSobject.Properties.Name -eq "Value")) {` Root cause...
`authorized_key` must be able to remove the key of a non-existent user. Changing `failed_when` condition is no option because it leads to false-positive results; task reports `ok` even when the...
My workaround to unresolved `libicu72` dependency was to download and install the latest stable `libicu72` package for Debian 12 "_bookworm_" Pick your mirror, `wget` the file, in my case...