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:star2: Angular Webpack Starter with AoT compilation, Lazy-loading, Tree-shaking, and Hot Module Reload (Updated to 4.1.0!)
Angular Webpack Starter
Live Production Build Demo
Welcome to Angular Webpack Starter! This starter contains almost everything you need to start developing Angular.
This repo is evolved from Angular Starter
Why choose this starter?
- Extensible via ngstarter extensions
- Complete workflow from serve, lint, unit test, e2e test, to bundling
- Support dotenv Environment Variables
- 100% code coverage
- 100% CI/CD pipeline ready
- No global package installation
- You can tune it as you wish, no blackbox
What's included?
TypeScript for the base language
- with Typings for TypeScript definition manager
- Webpack Dev Server for development server & reload capability
- Lite Server for production build server
- Codelyzer for static code analyzer
- Karma for test-runner
- Jasmine for test framework
Istanbul for test coverage
- with Remap Istanbul for remapping Javascript to TypeScript coverage
Please visit the wiki for more details.
You need to have Node.js and npm
- Support Node v6.9 - latest
- Support npm v3 - latest
- Support Yarn
Download the starter from releases page
Go to the starter directory and install the packages (Yarn is recommended):
npm install
Then copy .env.example
and rename it as .env
. For more details
Let's start up, run following:
// Build DLL first, run this once after adding new package
npm run build:dll
// Start the app
npm start
and done! Open a browser and go to http://localhost:8080 and you can start developing Angular! Every changes to the file will refresh the browser automatically and it'll also compile your changed TypeScripts files to Javascript files.
If any error occured when starting, please retry
npm run build:dll
. That means DLL build is too old and need to be refreshed.
This starter comes with testing workflow
Unit testing
Just run
npm test
and it'll compile all TypeScript files, start Karma, then remap Istanbul coverage so that it shows TypeScript coverage, not the transpiled JavaScript coverage.
E2E testing
Firstly start the server:
npm start
To begin testing, run:
npm run e2e
For more details, visit Continuous Integration wiki
You can create production build by running:
npm run build
or you can create production build and then serve it using Lite Server by running:
npm run serve:build
You can extend this starter with many extensions built by the community. Browse the extensions here
Feel free to submit a PR if there are any issues or new features, please read this before
Special thanks
- For all contributors who have helped this starter improvement
- John Papa for his awesome angular-styleguide and Tour of Heroes
- Julie Ralph for her ng2-test-seed which helped me a lot to get started with testing feature
- Patrick JS for his [angular2-webpack-starter] (
- @qdouble for his Angular2Webpack2 Starter