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A plsql implementation of some functions/procedures in dbms_crypto. Useful if you need a SHA256 hash, RSA signing of a message, or to encrypt something with your RSA private key on a 11G (or 10) datab...


A plsql implementation of some functions/procedures in dbms_crypto

This does include

  • pkencrypt/pkdecrypt public/private key encryption/decryption with the following algorithms
    • RSA
  • sign/verify using
    • SHA224 RSA
    • SHA256 RSA RSA_X391 withECDSA withECDSAinP1363
    • SHA384 RSA RSA_X391 withECDSA withECDSAinP1363
    • SHA512 RSA RSA_X391 withECDSA withECDSAinP1363
    • SHA1 RSA RSA_X391
  • hash and mac function with the following algorithms
    • MD4
    • MD5
    • SH1
    • SH224
    • SH256
    • SH384
    • SH512
    • RIPEMD160
  • encrypt/decrypt of raw values with the following algorithms
    • DES
    • 3DES_2KEY
    • 3DES
    • AES128
    • AES192
    • AES256
    • RC4

And this package can be used to create different types of JWT, for instance RS256, ES256 or HS256.

Please note: This package will soon be included in ~~All additions, changes and bugfixes only will be available at that repository.~~ The package at OraOpenSource will be an "independent" fork. After several years only the hash functions are included, so I will continue to upgrade this package when needed.