Anton Kulaga

Results 150 issues of Anton Kulaga

things like: ``` rust let name = "Anton".to_string(); print!("hello {}",name); ``` are akward and verbose. What about [scala-like string interpolation]( that will work everywhere (not only in print statements) ```...


[lighten/darken functions]( will be very useful for those who have to port a lot of styles from LESS

I sometimes use local files with spark, however I have to use ammonite which is less convenient than betterfiles because File unlike ammonite Path is not serializible, it would be...


It would be nice to have environment.yaml so it would be easy to create conda/micromamba with all dependencies needed

In a longterm it would be nice to see scala-native instead of C code.

What is really missing is an example of snugdock usage with pyrosetta

I am often getting "IOException: block[ 0 ] already removed " errors for zvi files, here is a example file that causes it I use bioformats through pims (so...

I would like to be able to read TSV with headers, where each raw will become Map. So, I will be able to say raw["myheader"] instead of memorizing which number...

Spec Change
feature request

I think that it should be clarified in the specification that: 1) File? myfile = "does_not_exist" should return null instead of crashing workflow 2) read_tsv(emptyFile) should return Array[Array[String]] as it...


Very often I need to slice an array. For instance, in RNA-Seq experiments I have tsv files with first column as a condtion and all subsequent as GSM ids for...

Spec Change
feature request