deeployer copied to clipboard
Nothing Pushing to Server
Hello. For the life of me I can't figure out why everything seems to be working but new code isn't pushed to the production server. Config is as follows:
'projects' => array(
'ssh_connection' => 'production',
'git_repository' => '[email protected]:mcblum/',
'git_remote' => 'origin',
'git_branch' => 'master',
'remote_directory' => '~/www/app',
'composer_update' => true,
'composer_optimize_autoload' => true,
'composer_extra_options' => '',
'composer_timeout' => 60 * 5, // 5 minutes
'artisan_migrate' => false,
'post_deploy_commands' => array(
'default' => 'production',
'connections' => array(
'production' => array(
'host' => ' we're using)',
'username' => 'national',
'key' => '~/.ssh/',
'keyphrase' => '',
'root' => '~/www/app',
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank for you taking the time to develop tools for all to use!
ETA: Composer is up to date, response code is 200 when I look at the webhook in git. ETA2: I also tried changing 'git_repository' => to, 'username' to root, and the host to the ip address rather than the domain name.
Log said:
production.INFO: Deeployer - Github: No repositories found. Please check the repository and branch names. [] []
I removed the if
foreach($this->config->get('projects') as $project)
$project = $this->checkAttributes($project);
'deploying found repository: %s branch: %s',
Console Output
[2015-04-29 17:44:34] production.INFO: Deeployer - Github: POST received for "" branch "master" [] []
[2015-04-29 17:44:34] production.INFO: Deeployer - Github: deploying found repository: [email protected]:nevrending/repos.git branch: master [] []
I'm using private repo