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Legacy Boilerplate : JWT authentication with Cookies - Passport & GraphQL with Apollo V2 & Express (Google)
GraphQL Authentication with JWT
Example project to implement an OAuth 2.0 (Google) with Passport & GraphQL with Apollo V2 and Express over json web tokens.
Version 2 now with:
- Graphql refactored schemas
- Apollo V2
- Babel 7
- Jest (instead of Mocha)
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- Node v10.4.1 or above
- Mongo database
- Google+ API Setup
git clone
Install dependencies
cd graphql-authentication
npm i
Setup the config in /src/setup/config/config.example.json:
- Rename the file to 'config.json'
- Add your variables
Run in the development environment
npm run dev
To test if the authentication is working open any of the following routes:
- Google - /auth/google
They should redirect you to the callback with the user data and token; A cookie is now set with the token
Running the tests
If the above is done correctly running the tests should be as simple as:
npm run test
Make sure to the test variables in the config file /src/setup/config/config.json are setup correctly
Running coding style tests
To clean up the code with eslint run
npm run eslint
Make sure you setup the production variables in the platform of your choise, the config.json file only defines variables for the 'development' and 'test' environments.
You need to change the callback routes to redirect to your client in /setup/routes/auth.js
// Replace this
// res.send(resSchema(req.user, res.statusCode))
// With
Build the project with
npm run build
Start the production server
npm start
Built With
- Express - Node.js web application framework
- Apollo Server - GraphQL API
- Passport - OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Flow
- JWT - Middleware that validates JsonWebToken
- Jest - Testing
- António Santos -
- Thank you Akryum for this awesome project where I learned most from