Nikos Antonatos

Results 18 comments of Nikos Antonatos

Do you know the differences on the driver between v1 and v2. May I can help in development

I have change the resolution to 800x480 on both server and ESP. but now the lodepng_decode throws an error 83 memory allocation failed on server also I have convert the...

Ok, I manage to convert it to B/W and use 1 bit of depth. and It worked. But when I tried to send the image to the screen, esp got...

could you explain a bit how you map the image ? It looks a bit complicate to me the EPD_loadImage

why in the last pixel you use 0x03 and on the other 0x01? uint8_t pix_7 = PIX_MAPPING[(image[i] & (0x01 > 1]; uint8_t pix_8 = PIX_MAPPING[(image[i] & (0x03 > 0]; also...

also I have done many trials with the code. I dont have any errors or kernel panic but it shows just random pixels

ok done

I ve made those change. Now its not flickering on startup but also doesn't show anything check on my repo i have update the code. May I missed something?

I made some change and now something has started to appear. the picture is not clear but i can see the temp value and the weather icons but they are...

it works.. but the color is opposite (its like negative where white is black and black white) also the size of the picture is smaller