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Parsing [ pl/sql grammer] too slow with C++ target
Background: I want to parser pl/sql with c ++target .
results: ParseTree is too slow, about 3 ~4 seconds
int main(int , const char **) { std::string str; std::string str_rep = "TO_NUMBER(*)"; std::string str_where = "WHERE";
std::string tmp_str;
std::string tmp_str_col;
std::string::size_type position;
ANTLRInputStream input;
PlSqlLexer lexer(&input);
CommonTokenStream tokens(&lexer);
PlSqlParser parser(&tokens);
std::cout << "Please enter PlSql sql string: " << std::endl;
while (std::getline(std::cin, str,'^')&&str != "q"){
transform(str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(), ::toupper);
for (auto token : tokens.getTokens()){
std::cout << token->toString() << std::endl;
tree::ParseTree* tree = parser.sql_script();
} }
Can someone tell me how to fix this problem?
Step 0: download intellij + antlr4 plugin and take look at what is slow in your grammar.
You should be able to see something like this:
You can sort by time and click on row to highlight the corresponding rule.
(Note that there are also other tools which does the same.)
@Nic30 Thank you for your advice
Actually, no, I did not gave you a good advice. You do have an embedded C++ in your code. (Which I did not see at the first time.)
- You can rewrite this C++ to java or
- you have to implement your antlr4::ANTLRErrorListener which does have methods reportAmbiguity, reportAttemptingFullContext etc. which are reporting when some performance problem appear. And then go through records manually.
@Nic30 thank you so much.
I tried the PL/SQL grammer with a CSharp target - it is slow here, too. And it reported some ambiguities...
Could you improve the grammar?
Can you tell me how to solve this problem? Thanks
Please take this conversation to here. This is a problem with the grammar, not Antlr. This issue should be closed here.