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pip install picka - Picka is a python based data generation and randomization module which aims to increase coverage by increasing the amount of tests you _dont_ have to write by hand.
It literally means "pussy" in Serbian.
I'm not sure if this is a real issue, but when I look at this module I cannot do so with a straight face. "Picka" is "cunt" in Serbian, Macedonian,...
The library assumes an English locale is used (e.g., English-language hardcoded month names). Ideally the library would use locale-dependent constants so that computations are done correctly (e.g., the duration of...
If I call `picka.age(1, 1)` repeatedly I get `1` and `2` as results. I would have expected it to always return `1`. Note that this situation can occur when passing...
Generate a random image.
Implement picka.price
Working on this now. Also have a service to return an image of your barcode should you need it.
Implement picka.currency
To avoid having it in the namespace.
An identity would return an identity object when instantiated which would consist of the following fields: Title First Name Middle Initial Last Name Full Name Company Position Address Line 1...