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Keyboard navigation

Open seppo0010 opened this issue 12 years ago • 6 comments

In lists navigate with j/k and vote with a/z.

seppo0010 avatar Oct 28 '11 18:10 seppo0010

@antirez let me know if you approve the feature and I can work on a pull request.

seppo0010 avatar Oct 28 '11 18:10 seppo0010

Hi! I like it, thank you for your contribution :)

p.s. I'm trying to implement the new stuff, especially related to karma, in a way that is easy to enable/disable them, please if you can add something like a KeyboardNavigation constant to app_conf.rb so that it is possible to switch this on/off as needed.

antirez avatar Oct 28 '11 21:10 antirez

@antirez let me know if there's something you don't like about the pull request to adjust.

seppo0010 avatar Oct 30 '11 13:10 seppo0010

Merged! Thank you, great work.

IMHO only two things that can be improved are:

  • show help on '?'
  • on comments for some reason the 'selection' box is smaller than the comment itself. Probably related to some HTML bug in the code itself?

antirez avatar Oct 30 '11 22:10 antirez

@antirez what do you think about adding shortcuts to browse each section? e.g.: g then t opens top, g then l opens latest.

That's widely used in google reader and seems comfortable for me.

seppo0010 avatar Oct 31 '11 00:10 seppo0010

@seppo0010 Merged your fixes, everything works flawlessly now, thanks! :)

Adding shortcuts to browse each section sounds like a great idea, not sure what @antirez thinks about it?

fcambus avatar May 04 '13 20:05 fcambus