tiktok-downloader-and-rehoster icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
tiktok-downloader-and-rehoster copied to clipboard

[ARCHIVED] Tik.fail was a simple website that let users download and archive TikTok videos and allow users to see deleted TikToks

🔴 This is the very first version of the site when it was first released, the current state of TikTok.fail does not reflect in here

TikTok.fail - A TikTok Downloader, Replaying, and Sharing Platform


This repo contains the source for TikTok.fail, A simple webapp that allows users to easily download TikTok videos and share them as all videos are rehosted on our servers.


  • We use Discord to receive messages from our contact page. You will need a webhook url to add to .env
  • This repo does not include our download logic so you will have to implement it yourself
  • (Not required) We use Sqreen WAF, if you want to use it make an account on their site and add the sqreen.json file they give you to the root and uncomment the first line in start.js


  1. Install Node >= v12.14.0
  2. Clone this repo git clone https://github.com/antiops/tiktok-downloader-and-rehoster
  3. Install dependencies with npm install or yarn install
  4. Add WEBHOOKURL='addyourwebhooklinkhere' to .env, create the file if needed
  5. Run it,
    • In development use npm run dev to disable caching and enable verbose errors
    • In prod use npm run


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

