YandexMapKitRoute icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
YandexMapKitRoute copied to clipboard

Laying route on the Yandex MapKit


0) Install cocoapods
1) Run "pod install" in root folder
2) To create a static library (*.a file) use YandexMapKitRoute.xcworkspace
3) For sample project run "pod install" in "YandexMapKitRouteExample" folder
4) Open YandexMapKitRouteExample.xcworkspace
5) In project YandexMapKitRouteExample of workspace delete libPods.a from "Linked frameworks and Libraries" (It's already linked in YandexMapKitRoute project from this workspace)

For more information about "DELETE_YANDEX_URL" and how get it please read:


[YandexMapKitRoute showRouteOnMap:(YMKMapView *)mapView From:(YMKMapCoordinate) coordinateFrom To: (YMKMapCoordinate) coordinateTo];

Work on IOS 5+, if you need early use SBJson