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2D mapping using lidar lite laser and slam technology


A robotic system designed to take advantage of already existing technologies to create a 2d/3d map of a room.


  1. An obstacle-avoidance system written in Python that uses ultrasonic sensors to navigate and 4 DC motors through PWM for movement.
  2. A lidar-laser module that collects 360 deg information regarding it's surrounding to later create a 2d/3d map using ROS.


  • HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Range Finder (3 of them)
  • DFRobot 4WD Arduino-Compatible Platform with Encoders
  • Pololu DRV8833
  • https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:781918 (3D printed enclosures for ultrasonic sensors)
  • LIDAR-Lite Laser Rangefinder v1
  • Slip Ring with 22mm rim
  • 12V, 350mA, 28oz-in NEMA-17 Bipolar Stepper Motor
  • EasyDriver - Stepper Motor Driver
  • http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:662646 (3d printed case for microcontroller and stepper motor for rotating the lidar laser)
  • Raspberry Pi 2 Model B ARM Cortex-A7 Quad Core CPU 900MHz 1GB RAM
  • Arduino Uno

General instruction to run the project

  • Upload /utils/rotate-stepper.cpp to the Arduino Uno connected to the stepper motor in the 360 case
  • Install Ubuntu ARM on a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B (or newer, similar hardware configuration)
  • Install ROS Indigo distribution for Ubuntu ARM with desktop tools
  • sudo apt-get install github
  • git clone https://github.com/anthonymonori/hector-slam-wreck.git
  • cp ./utils/gpioThing.sh /home/ubuntu/gpioThing.sh
  • install lidarlite_scan package
  • setup nodes
  • run roscore
  • start necessary nodes, see main.launch file
  • rosrun lidarlite_laser laser_scan
  • python /utils/obstacle-avoidance.py
  • Using rviz, visualize the generated map.

For further description of the project and how to replicate it, please consult the paper.pdf report.
