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XPath package for Golang, supports HTML, XML, JSON document query.

Results 23 xpath issues
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(//span[@class='tw-user-nav-list-count']/text())[2] xpath. the result is null. chrome check it. result is exist. [test.zip](https://github.com/antchfx/xpath/files/5089228/test.zip)


Hello, According to docs, sum and multiply is implemented, but I can't get this to work: ```go func main() { doc, err := xmlquery.Parse(strings.NewReader(` 1 2 7 10 20 7...


Am I right in thinking that the XPath 2.0 functions tokenize() and string-join() are not supported (yet)? I like to use the tokenize function to extract items from XML attributes...

xpath 2.0

This is more of a question/enhancement than an issue. Is there a way to load just subset of the xml tree and not the whole xml file? I need to...


use xmlquery find func, use string comparison size exist error, i think cmpStringStringF have bug。 example: test data: ab find expr: /res/value[data > "a"] expected: b output: a `// operator.go...


Note: I have experienced this issue using htmlquery, but it seems to not be fixed here either, so I am raising issue here. By xpath spec, /descendant::span[1] and //span[1] are...


Say I have a doc like this: ``` Wang Joe Ali 10 20 17 ``` I want to find out the age of a person whose name is `Joe`. So...


as far as i can tell, the only way to do this is to create a new NodeNavigator with htmlquery.CreateXPathNavigator for each query. additionally, it is cumbersome to turn the...

How get the simplified xpath of selected html elem? Thanks!