antares icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
antares copied to clipboard

Suggestions: search anywhere, open SQL script, hide schemas, UI improvements

Open gremo opened this issue 9 months ago • 2 comments

First, thank you for you work. This is a very good software, bettern than other alternatives at least in the LLinux world. And I'm also so proud that an Italian developer did this :smile: :partying_face:

A few suggestion I'd like to see in future releases:

  1. Table search anywhere: default table search could be a generic "search any column in LIKE mode". Sometimes you just need to lookup some unique value (an identifier or another uniquie field). user can further restrict search using the existing search by field and operator.
  2. Open existing SQL script: I cannot find this function, maybe it's just me?
  3. Hide unwated schemas: it would be nice to just hide some schemas i.e. by regex. Schemas like information_schema, mysql, performance_schema, sys (MariaDB) are unlikely to be changed or even browsed
  4. Export in clipboard: sometimes you just need to export some SQL insert in a production server for a quick test, no need to save the file

Minor UI improvements I'd like to see:

  1. Customizable accent color: default orange is the logo/brand and it's fine, but it would be nice to set a custom color too
  2. Custom font and size: for the SQL editor
  3. Status bar less prominent: maybe not colored with the accent color
  4. Smaller connection bar: maybe just show the icon (connection name as tooltip) and add the ability to set a custom color

gremo avatar Nov 12 '23 20:11 gremo

Hello Marco and thank you for your appreciation!

I will take your suggestions into consideration and respond to some.

  1. Export in clipboard: sometimes you just need to export some SQL insert in a production server for a quick test, no need to save the file

At moment to export in clipboard you have to select results and do: image

  1. Customizable accent color: default orange is the logo/brand and it's fine, but it would be nice to set a custom color too

For color, my future intention will be to show as accent color the color of the folder in which the selected connection is placed, as is now the case with the status bar.

  1. Custom font and size: for the SQL editor

About font size, you can change it on settings. image

  1. Smaller connection bar: maybe just show the icon (connection name as tooltip) and add the ability to set a custom color

On the connection bar, there have been many requests from users to have it that way. In the past it was smaller and no connection names were visible, which is fine if you have few connections. To allow many connections to be managed neatly and easily, a system of folders and customization of icons and labels has been implemented as you can see below:


To create a folder, simply drag one connection over another. To customize there is the right-click menu. I realize that this function is not intuitive for several users, and in this regard I will also implement context menu shortcuts.

Fabio286 avatar Nov 13 '23 11:11 Fabio286

For color, my future intention will be to show as accent color the color of the folder in which the selected connection is placed, as is now the case with the status bar.

Clever, thanks! So one can set i.e. "red" from a production and readonly database and "green" for a local instance, and get the accent color change accordingly?

About font size, you can change it on settings. !

Sure, but one can't change to 13px for example :smile:

On the connection bar, there have been many requests from users to have it that way. In the past it was smaller and no connection names were visible, which is fine if you have few connections. To allow many connections to be managed neatly and easily, a system of folders and customization of icons and labels has been implemented as you can see below:

It's not counterintuitive! In fact I've already played with that settings (the icons) before your suggestione :+1: It's ok if many users had asked for a large connection bar, ofc with many connections i't better.

OT: I've just found a bug importing a (not so big ) database (90MB). I can report the bug, but I need to know how to activete the debug or at least read the log file, thanks

gremo avatar Nov 13 '23 11:11 gremo