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Include column headers when copying query results rows "as table"

Open bart-schaefer opened this issue 9 months ago • 0 comments

When selecting all query results and using the right-button "Copy" menu, column labels are included in every format except "Rows (Table)"

It would be helpful for pasting the results into other applications etc. if the column headings could at least optionally be included.

As a workaround I use "Rows (CSV)" instead and then pass through a spreadsheet.


US/Alaska	577
US/Aleutian	578
US/Arizona	579
US/Central	580
US/East-Indiana	581
US/Eastern	582
US/Hawaii	583
US/Indiana-Starke	584
US/Michigan	585
US/Mountain	586
US/Pacific	587
US/Pacific-New	588
US/Samoa	589


bart-schaefer avatar Nov 03 '23 18:11 bart-schaefer