Leo Lahti
Leo Lahti
Yes you may be right.
Note that CRAN has reservations for writing on local files: "Packages should not write in the users’ home filespace, nor anywhere else on the file system apart from the R...
I agree that in principle it would be useful to have both raw data and the full script available in a reproducible format. If this gets too messy, however, it...
I agree. Unfortunately I am personally too busy now with building the overall rOpenGov infra right now to contribute much code here. But based on our experiences I also think...
Yes, get_data as a wrapper for the full versions should be the way to go. We recently had related discussion in ropengov mailing list. It would be good to harmonize...
dat looks very promising and certainly closely related but no experience so far; but psData may fill its particular niche for R/paneldata better, I think there is a genuine need...
I could also be interested to contributing if this goes forward and there are good matches.
It could fit in a book like OMA, in the extra materials chapter? However it would be good to have someone to commit maintaining that, there is otherwise a risk...
Thanks @colinbrislawn - we are thinking the same. Availability in CRAN or Bioconductor would be a must for linking this to the vast number of quality-controlled packages in these ecosystems....
Ok, some remarks: - CRAN is a bit more light-weight in terms of formal requirements and automated checks, and packages get accepted faster when they pass the automated tests -...